Show to our young lady readers reader to the young ladies who weekly read this thia paper we are moved by the th a good go a d spirit to write a few words concerning their duties to their mothe a it may be you have noticed a careworn look upon her face lately of course it at has not been brought their by any se act t a of f yours still it is 19 your duty to chase it away would it not be a happy surprise to h her e r if you should occasionally bid h st sit down and rest while you performed the ardola ardauast duties in hana and how a tender kiss kim on her mouth will cause her dear face to brighten anyway you owe her a kiss kisa or two away back ft he hen you vou were a little bit lt of a girt girl she ahe kissed you when no one else was waa tempted by your fever tainted breath and wollen swollen face you were not so mat attractive then at now and through those years sears of childish sunshine and shadows she was waa always ready to cure by the magic of mothers kiss your our little dirty chubby hands whenever they were in juried in the fist skirmishes with the rough old world and then the midnight kisa kim with which she touted so many bad dreams as she leaned above your pillow have all been on interest thew these long iong yeara jeara of course she is not so pretty and is sable in as you are but if you had done your share of the work during dunne the he put past ten years the contrast would not be so great her face has more wrinkles than yours and yet if you were sick that face would appear far more ful ul than an angel a as it hovered over you watching every opportunity to minister to your comfort and every one of those wrinkles would seem to be bright wavelets waveless wave lets of sun aun shine hine chasing each other over the dear face she will leave you one of these days those thom burdens if not lifted fr from in he her rs shoulders houlder wilt will break her down those rough hard hands that li lie hae e done so many necessary th thine og for far you will 11 be crossed upon I 1 h her r lifeless breast those neglected lips that gave you your first baby kiss kim will be forever closed and than sad tired eyes will have opened on eternity and then you wilt 11 appreciate your mother but it will be too late |