Show ELDERLY WOMEN f safeguarded tell ell others how they were carried safely through I 1 i change or of life deraad WIB 1 I and am tho the mother of fourteen tour teen children ad and it I 1 owe my life to limmi j lydiaa vegetable compound coman carean pd an when I 1 waa 45 and had the chun change go of I 1 life fra friend end record mend mended cc I 1 it and if i gave me such relief fron from my bad feelings that I 1 took several bottles I 1 ay arima am awell awall now and healthy and mecom mend your yen compound to other bar ladies hadies 0 mra RIDGWAY durand wis A massachusetts woman ft rates brackstone leeks ne mass my fily troubles were a fr from ro my age and I 1 felt awfully 1 I ich f for r three years I 1 had hot flashes often IT and fm frequently an fly suffered buffered from P pains ins I 1 took lydia E Pm Pink khami luar a his to and bad new and w 11 11 M mra CON box el blackstone mass such warning symptoms as mass oi at tatom hot flashes headaches back bahea mb dread of impending evil timidity dounda ads in the eara or palpitation of the heart aparis P arks before the eyes irregularities la lari ties co constipation variable appetite week weakness and dizziness should be heeded byro by middle addle aeed ad women adm lydiaa E pink hams hamb vegetable compound has asi earned ed W wy many y women a safely through this amse CLEAR RED PIMPLY FACES rod red hands hand red it ad scalp with caum Cuti cura soap and ointment trial free the soap to cleanse and purify the ointment to so soothe othe and heal gothing better quicker safer surer at any price for skin shin troubles of young or old that itch hard burn cru cruet scale tor for bailet ture tur or disfigure besides they meet every cry want in toilet p preparation parati a amal free firm sample adach each by mail with book address postcard Cuti cura curis dept L boston sold a everywhere barl ad adv stop that ache don do t worry about a bad if back 1 G get at rid ot of it probably 31 3 our 1 ki kid d neya ey are out of order resume sen ben 6 ible bible habits habit and it help the kidney then kidney backache will go 1 also I the dizzy disty spells poll ism tiff stiff 11 BE 9 tired fault feelings uVie ss the rheumatic u matic pains and bladder from ties U doan doa kidney pill ellla thousands thousand recommend the them an idaho case L laurat 11 11 N i 1 as line 81 1 0 o idaho III eava I a had an attack tack ot of it the grip D which fled I 1 in my kid kidneys the tb TI pain ismat almost dro drove ei pie vess crazy I 1 h had hot bet put dot on III my back b but t ahe they tavo s only t tempo relief my i indeli wera in a bad condition and d the kidney secre etl tlona highly colored I a waa in ne bed for over r a month and was vess totally helpless IT I 1 ai used rv doan dean a ald S 1 ellla and a bot treat great relief C cl D dat itea t aar A soa store DOA DOANS NIS P IBIs I 1 sst FOSTER MILBURN CO 8 BUFFALO U N T r constina Con constipation i vanishes forever prompt relief Perm permanent arsent cure CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS never to fail P purely legeta gain I 1 ble d a act et benall C but gently OR on the la liver 4 P stop after L dinner distress tr cure indigestion fi gOd amp improve adi the complexion brighten the ayea SMALL PILL FILL S SMALL S SMALL PRICE genuine uie must bear ban sa signature m i rry LOSSES SES S SURELY IS BLACK al H lu T V palli loo p b th rt tit mut T IB 1 rit for aid ra I 1 10 ph pin M ILI bakle palli 4 an TJ m bl xit of buur ii am to is t fut aly 0 on cutair L if ur ajia 1 r dl CL laboratory THE CUTTER PA PARKERS ml HAIR AIR BALSAM A lolott of help for reton color I 1 nd d ajr aft md 1 mt I 1 alie 11 ll e Ss ad COLDS NO LA S GRIPPE ajl alt tor 1121 I 1 1 fil k fiffia TABLETS AH 7 W tt alt salt LI lako city no 15 1916 potato doughnuts write to fat recipe retain the moisture re several days an excellent wholesome food when made with the pure RG BAKING POWDER always sure to please try a can today at our risk A middy handy bork book car containing 10 cooking late lessons and ad 54 tested recipes will be milled ad you F FREE if you 0 will Is bend your act name am nd ad address di iresa to JAQUES CO CHICAGO NO N sold by gro knaf r i a keep kids kleen 1 I se I 1 8 6 A adl A tedi MM ile the suit I 1 XI a 41 ce bial 7 abw FREE clait by ahe two hone i abe I 1 le levi da a u aard C sn Flanc Frona tern I 1 is airdo Air dJ d G GRAND PRIZE ca U P PI L weak kidneys often the result U of OVO overwork Work 0 on several bec I 1 have been unable able ral to we work rk and of suffered buffered severe par pains in ID the b bels back els due to my kidneys I 1 called dad on s doctor of ripon wis but received no relief I 1 tried dr be carser Kil mera swamp root beat which gave gare me instant relief clief I 1 was then able to bedre resume work week swamp root Rt la is the only relief I 1 can get from lidney kidney disease which I 1 am in subject bt b t to I 1 in the spring spi of the year car I 1 am entzi writing g this testimonial through my own f free will I 1 that of kidney and ad b bladder bid arr di diseases will 11 ine enow of the wonder aith fill fid merita of I 1 swamp root beat I 1 recommend aun ismil dr be hilmer a swamp root beat whenever I 1 ca can and 1 ba have bottle battle of swamp root road 1 in my home I 1 cd swamp 1 root t of mr me C 3 bd if burnside Burn fiti mInde fide druggist lost of main am S street t RIP ripon 1111 ft r V very truly youra years THOMAS THOMA J LYNCH newbury street ripen vi r I 1 ave rel the above that SZ biad thomas J li bought dr ditmer ai r i Ss swamp seat root at my Y store ter nd ad made ca oath th the A above g eve statement u I 1 true in abstance auba ab tance bud and fact E J furnside Eurn Berso side ode subscribed and ad abom to before me thu that day of I 1 hv november arder 1911 F A PRESTON prove what swamp root rest will do for you yen acid ten rem cents to dr kilmer it co ra binghamton Bing ag hamlon N Y for a bamble size wd bot I 1 tle it will connace naione alou will no aio tara receive a booklet of valuable of r mation sellme beat about th the ade and nd blad ire der ft he hen b be a aure aim and mth mention thib paper r R ill 11 ll 11 ait 1 cent 1 aal I one dollar eize an b bottled etleo for 1 I sale 1 at all 1 I 1 r drug IS star tores adv STOP scratching RESINOL RELIEVES ITCHING INSTANTLY that itching burning skin trouble keeps you and ad ai dig ging 1 la a source of disgust to others as well as of torment to you why don t you get rid ot of it by using res bass nol ointment 9 have pr it lor fee over 20 years yeara 1 in annalt cases it stop itching instantly ss d heals beala eruptions erupt tona promptly it Is very vary easy and amt economical to use sold by bit all drug druggists ats adv IMP important merrill to mothers mother examine carefully every bottle ot of CASTORIA a safe and our aur dowdy for infant aad ad children bad and bee a that it 11 ile bears the signature ot or in use tor or over children cry for fletcherd fletchers Flet cherB chers castorr sudden death caused by disease of the kidneys the close co connection neati on bet between the ha I heart and ad the ki kidneys a air s is s nell e 1 gowada nowadays y 8 when it kidneys dava are r a diseased arts arterial rial te tension sion is iacre increased it and it the had heart TV t function a aro are attacked attached baom A hen the kidneys no BO longer pour forth waste kramic poisoning occurs occur and the per son dies and ad the cause use la IS oft often given give as Is heart a act disease dia ease or disease of brain or lunga large it is 1 a good inam insurance one tt such both a risk to send 10 cents tile tor for a large trial package of th the latest discovery of dr be pierce nihon ft hen you yon offer buffer from backache frequent or banty anty urine rheumatic pains pain here or there here or that constant tired wom out at feeling fedine ret get angrl at the druggist druggist it B 37 times moro more potent than lithia firms d dise issal olvea T as uric acid a hot water does after grip then spring fever this i 1 th the tons tinie of year to look out tor for trouble lel we wa feel weal weak our blood seems hot no appet appetite itis if time lime to clean house housa tina this is when he tho the blood is ia clogged and we wa buffer from fillat illat is ia commonly cared a eold cold dr pierces pierce golden medical disco ery cry purifies the blood and critical entirely coul eradicates mates the poisons that breed bud ani led feed time disease pure far blood Is essential to good health the weal rundown run down condition which so moo many people experience I 1 ia amear commonly defly the effect of at impure blood medical discar ery not at only also cleanses the blood ot of lon im purifies puri ties but increases the tilt ot at th the blood making glands gl anila and 4 SeRbA ints th tho body with pure rich blood |