Show OLIVE oil since the car earliest liest time olives and live III oil have been men esteemed conal Us as foods food B the rout comins re prized J 11 e oil it highly we aa well wel as the greeks the he egyptians and ts the arabs it was a u used not net only aa a food ind but as a nine cine and in fr toilet preparations preparation of fats fata bud and oils oil none supplies the needs d of 1 the system utilities so int ely ad aa ollda oil what nhat Is ia known Us as the vir lir gin oil is the beat toi fol medical in P pur poses peace this 1 is the first 11 oil coming from th the first it pressing mesS of t the fr fresh olives much of our oil has a been ban mial adul t tented ted with cottonseed oil which of cour course so being cheaper has brought a good goo d price rice to the seller better our food fr tid laws law alere are controlling tins this in a measure but there Is still plenty of need of en an I 1 forcemeat tor cement of the law laws in regard to enany of our foods 0 olive arvi e OR oil is ia highly est esteemed emord as a delicacy it if has is no an equal W a as a soled dr dressing jug and ad is the b id idral d frying fat As it Is not of absorbed baor d J in cooking as 1 Is animal fat ou olive oil III he has been the beauty se no cret of 1 many lovely women of at day days gone ami by and this remarkable property of olive ile oil 11 has been bear therl cherished sled and ad it handed ended d down I 1 we f from beautiful mother to heau beautiful da daughter erht sic scientists have be enlightened alo V world I 1 d ar on Us beau beauty id Y benefits all w women way may partake and enjoy it its r results it A great london phi asician was we lashed sited by a woman her corn core alexion pl lexion exion he replied take olive oil live on it eat s t it drink it bathe in it almas your food with it and ad never or be w without t beat it you yen used need it constantly to lubricate your system one or two t a day I 1 IB sufficient to keep J p t the b system lith lithe it tind and youthful and an d the he complexion e dear clear when buying 11 oil go 91 to 11 a reliable merchant try a a beall m all amount until yon find just juet the kind k ln d you like ther th to sire are any number of one fine nutty entry oil oila in on the market and it an one 1 I 1 ia willing to 11 pay lus price good ad oil it is 1 alwag 8 to be bad one re of the chil chief reasons that so many man people dr dislike I 1 its OR oil Is in that they 11 bavi a teen bee served with mi an inferior quality qu it ty or an oil that has baa become r rancid cd |