Show W WARNER MITCHELL life insurance real estate all land Bus business meas final and yearly proofs pro as deeds deed mortgages noton notes acknowledge ARI agi cements etc office of county clerk parowan carowan utah R F J BURTON physician surgeon marown U utah office in new gun buildup hour 9 to 12 m affire hour 2 to el 5 p m office hours 9 12 1306 30 6 phone P h DR F L GOWER DENTIST lamb location new imir gurr building mun st PAROWAN UTAH T G ECKLES painter a inter paper hanger and decorator estimates Frn furnished hed on if kinds of work PAROWAN UTAH JOHN T MITCHELL g parowan carowan Pa rowan utah general merchandise jewelery notions furnishings furnishing groceries etc ere prices rices are the lowest of the low call and be con convinced J aw bm 7 wat aney Horse shoeing a specialty satisfaction guaranteed prices price re enable ome block wot and d abi two block k S south ot the orion 0 HW hotel P U utah h JOHN S BROWN contractor and builder parowan carowan Pa rowan utah high class work at all times satisfaction given IF Y you the er erum erection um of f cottage cettei be S sure nd ad get my Etor I 1 CAN saye SAVE YOU DOLLARS watch jewelry spectacle repairing if t you cannot see well call and select a pair of glasses to suit your eyes when you have trouble with your auto or engine call me I 1 will do the best I 1 can to remove the trouble S A MATHESON PARD nAH UTAH parowan carowan beaver auto line tuesday thursday saturday return side trips it your convenience enquire hn quire or phone D P BARTON parowan carowan and beaver hotel beaver utah we can print your and tetter letter heads to suit you get your do butter t t er wrappers apra print pnat ed cd at this office LEON L ECKLES instructor in voice and violin studio at residence tel I 1 E M decker 0 D optometrist makes regular visits to pero faro wan van glasses fitted and guaranteed repairing and lenses duplicated oms domce in tw aton Q cloth 1 afir vh A G matheson watchmaker and jewelry cedar city utah watches watch repaired all work guaranteed when you want to go anywhere with comfort and nd I 1 safety at any time tim e get the services cs of taylors auto co PHONE PAROWAN UT TONSORIAL PARLORS L looted ted F fir t door dem north of f N new G curr building parowan carowan Pa rowan utah shaving haircutting shampoo one ing messaging massaging etc public bath in connection hot or cold water joe dalton proprietor HOTEL ORTON X hn V A sitoa proprietor pleasantly located in the business section of the city rooms well lighted and sanitary tary meals delicious and wholesome prices reasonable in connection there are arc a commodious sample room barn and stables all electric lighted U utah h ISAAC LEMMON carpenter cabinet and casket maker JOY cars Pr practical oleal ex en Ettima tf OB sea nr baw for that new r P marown utah uh E R liston listen harness and shoe maker harness oiled an and R repaired aima shoe repa repairing eing a specialty I 1 carry in stock harness saddles saddies collars bridles etc uth deraval cream separators world a standard machines absolutely sol guaranteed for prices and tenna I 1 ems write band wm P barton agent Pm Parc gash onh uth ALSO OPERATES AUTO STAGE LINE LIKE daily heitic hen ice e allet B between i w t 7 11 au and d cedar carries passengers gera r 8 and liht light ah fire ET reims cad car aid LD licensed Lic ened P bartic dna d na 0 1 o mk kp lecul trip top mil di be d I 1 d RI acte rufo 11 Z ph P h uj a cd caw ck CUT 1 shorthorn bulls we have choice registered shorthorn bull calves recently imported from Ok lohoma for sale at fill and up A splendid opportunity to improve your herd as well as preparing to comply with the late law which C requires registered bulls of beef breeb on the range after january 1 1917 they are early calves and selling 1 readily so you can make a better 13 choice by coming at once ell MITCHELL BROS i PAROWAN UTAH ass ss e MOTOR CAR the moment your feet touches the accelerator you begin to aji si realize that not even the unusual specifications have given you an bijj adequate idea how good the car is its instantaneous responsive y UJ now ness the ease with which it vets gets under way the abundance of all powe po the pronounced gliding sensation the ahe steadiness at high rt speed the freedom from geer gee r shifting shi fling these are the qualities art frt lj which no list of specifications can reveal ajl wheelbase is in price of car complete is lon I 1 0 b iron co at I 1 WATCH FOR THE NEW HUDSON IT WILL SOON BE OUT VI 1 S i X ff agent Paro wani waa v 10 al 31 A pai ss ss s ati IDO 00 YOU USE MEAT il ayou do dc 6 suro ana ad coma I 1 to the M CITY MEAT MARKET fl you can joich qi th h bast 1 tn awa 7 h 24 2 4 duhon ff end and aher moats 0 tn season cs c J CUSTOM slaughtering AND NEAT MEAT CURING M Is a specialty with us and we are prepared to slaughter I 1 your wine swine in the most approved way we cure alt all meats as good as an any that is imported 0 careful attention given to the small conall meats which will be M turned over to you in good condition 1 our auces puces foi in and aning lanlie 1 from to 0 3 0 only 1 60 j D davenport avenport y PAROWAN UTAH SS sa 3 EJ 0 lck john T 1 Black smili parowan carowan Pa rowan utah properly and expeditiously done if you have trouble with your you r wagon wheels wheela bi ing them to me and I 1 will make the them as aa strong as aa when new 0 courteous treatment and correct prices icci 0 WE WANT TO LOAN no MONEY 0 on improved farm farmlands lands with water U right and we want buyers 0 for choice real estate 0 bargains a M H DALLEY SONS CO 0 CEDAR CITY UTAH 0 ml |