Show THE PROPER MOVE the action of the people in the mass meeting held last week is just hat is needed and should have been done sometime wo ago and would no doubt have bon bo n done sooner had everything been favorable however as the saying goes it is better late than never 11 As aa many of our readers were not ablo able to be at the meeting defered to we have eye thought it best beat to publish a report of the edinga so that all ail may be familiar with the action taken and get a correct idea of what is IB to be done in the way of building a now new tabernacle for the carowan parowan ward the following minutes minute of the mass meeting were handed to us by secretary silas J ward and gives in detail all that was done parowan carowan Pa rowan utah dec 1916 A mass meeting called by bishop james L adams for the purpose of discussing the proposition of building a new or the old meeting house atas a held in the tabernacle commencing at 7 30 p in Bisho bishop james L adams presided with 8 J ward as aa acting serve secre tary after the business of the meet ing had been stated sh allowing mg that rood good notice of the same had been given civen and some time had been devoted to discussion a motion was made by wm win C mitchell that it be the sense of the meeting that we erect a new meeting house after discussion of the question pro and con the motion was put and carried 25 voting in the affirmative one in the negative and a few standing neutral and not voting there was a feeling in the meeting with wine some that the available material in the old meeting house should be utilized in the m construe construction t 1 of I 1 the new tabernacle and that i the h e anew new building should be erected 1 on the grounds where the old one stands it was waa moved by wilford day and duly seconded that we build a new me meeting ting house bouse independent of the ad old one ime and the ground on which it stands ad amen amendment dreena was offered by james J ada adams a that we erect a meeting house on the ground where the old one stands stand the amendment was wait lost after which eh the motion was put and carried r ad moved and carried that we appoint appo po int a building committee consisting of three to take up the matter of collecting of funds fund and the erecting of the new meeting house said committee to be lowered a to ap P point a subcommittee sub committee to work under their dir direction dirc tion wilford day walter C mitchell and hugh L adams were cre nominated and unanimously sustained as such auch committee and authorized to proceed with the work SILAS J WARD see sec As well be readily seen the sense of the meeting was that a new building be erected and to be built independent of the old one as aa to the material in it and the site its upon which it stands this to on our way of looking at the matter is prope prop as the material that is con tamed in the old building would hardly do f for or any part of the pro paged new building and the site is ii too far to the center of the taber mcle square to allow of a building being easily ac accessible ble or command ing in appearance the committee appointed is earn corn posed of men who have plenty of energy and are boosters boasters bo for their home town and are also men that believe nothing is too good for P par at swan owan they will not let any time sa go to waste and are already I 1 on the job so to speak and have made arrangements for the cecur ing of the wood for the burning the buck that will be used this committee also will have the power to lo appoint sub committees in order that the work may roll along with out hitch and not throw to too much of a burden upon their shoulders dens it seems to lip bp the determination to have the building erected by next december so that it may be dedicated at the confere nee that will be held here hem during that month everybody in the ward should lend all possible assistance towards the completion rf ff this much needed tabernacle and be most liberal in their contributions for the building 13 18 for their benefit and will be a source of pride and joy to them end and their posterity |