Show MENTION r riechel was don to zion this week on business capt H L henry of council ciuffa paid us a bi cipf visit this w eck he tt ill remain in tin park several days 31 L hoyt has returned to the park from he intend making tho park his headquarters hereafter heie after miss chaffin fin who hl i been so ending her vic ilion with the family of rev 0 W hill returned to bountiful yes berday morning annie berhn stai fed foi payson utah friday morning to assist in making arrangement arran cement for tho oi tile presby tery frlich coti ancs e next week mr F S tox returned from califor nia saturday very moch refreshed by his visit mrs fox starts east monday to accompany her brother to his home in maryland state senator russell of council bluff iowa president of the Juji iter minina company is stop in chis city foi a few days on a tour of inspection ot tha company s property utah august 9 A runner thi nj brings newa that a man was inked at ghram on the indian res cr vaton by a ball through tho head supposed to ba the ork of indians great here at the agency anc fears of an outbreak out Bresk |