Show TLE GRAPHIC aug G subhan ed slide in alnee rounds him ovar the the boston bov was first ro make his appearance through a lane opened in the crowd b the police lie mounted the platform and stepped between the aich considerable than in former matches in the edition sullivan wib attired in a white r flesh colored tights whito sto kingi and black papers slade soon followed sullivan he was a much tuan than sullivan but his were dalward with thereof the bo di champion the maori wor i white white tights and black balters palters pal witch low white mcw abe both took se its in opposite cor nera jack day announcement was enado thit 1 WA to be no wre and tha contest anta must obey at once when the cipf aree told them to break tune was called abo men approach cd and both had removed shuts flesh looked hard and firm and in poad condition aldo looked than bellivan bul livan and heavier but his had a botter alpar ance while haa a look after cautious fo td few seconds sullivan del verca on slides countenance fl lowin iab moth r on his w ind ievins lam into his corner storms treet cd h s performance of iii lliran ihfe men soon were at close and took ilice bleik wis culled bv the ref ebeo then sparred for an open gnp which and he dicye abo banally hin 1 up the two acain hut the soon had running 0 o the rope sulli an in abo movement by icv bons on tho bick of baij bij bed and neck a atell blow sent the he lopes and ott the first ibe maori soon the and three mm utes exam d while nar alado ap reared winded sullivan all right in ILL second lound sullivan ifft al around lie ring knocking lam down twice joe agns gns shouting to ina hit linn belly john ave it olam air the betl john in tho third round led off right handed the bacs which slide ahoi clinched but sullivan bidal ins away abrain nettled away upon his antano nim rhose beio weak tiro maori was finally sent upon the m vohen lie lifred his head the blood wis from his DOS he appealed dazed and ancon as sullivan over him in and captain Willia oK then afi aed upon to stop the fiat sado their ance as ho had bad benotish ho wa helppi 0 o his corner ind tiro gloves removed sullivan d carded hi and shook hinda with slade was lundly caper ed tho men want to their quarters ind acro soon and left afie adi den fallowes fallowed fall owed by tha pie who bad witnessed the battle NEW YOKE aug 18 the feam ai rived from ahey are enthusiastic over the treatment they received from ho rifleman on tue other side aus 8 At Giand abidi a conductor oi on aba grand kapias indiana 11 a visit from burglars on monday night IA t night wis prepared for a second visit and awaited them in the litchen his wife awal ened by street ribbie arose ald through alo room husbard efti fired the ball takina effect in jhb f i e head coming out near abo she is albie but unconscious chere la slight hope of aup mclin ahe second ind list day of the confederate bunion and was display than the firs the attendance wis increased about tle olgea lewis esterby este rhy i generally gene rilly by abo notables piment still it took with alie crowd leiv is was cheered to cheecho v bile appal ing and tho supposition is the arned him half beyond tho boundo cl dicie tion alie only thina out of the ordinary run to day was tho ot gen cable who declared that and america could levei than an unnatural tho american and purple clad people are hiked by hooks or he hopes to live lofta to road ei canted crates under alier stars and in a against england auff 5 it is that a military bag taken place in the spanish province of on tho frontier and the authorities have ben anestel lele baraph and i bibia lines between bida JAs and are iho leaded of tho revolt was a colonel of the marid AUT 0 the of thu uprising al state that the disarmed the d armee and the custom puardy and occupied alic railway station the disaffected troops alo the rates of alie loit A mini tenal order lias beera pa a of siege in ind general blinco commander of abo loille sitf the province ono one hundred persons in alie bioc of a republic at civilians have joined the soldiers eis it H believed the seized several which had been de po tho foutres foi tres the custom yuarda refund to join in the move it is stati ir at lisbon that ruez planned tho aig lenoral war to Ui daios irom madrid CITY kan auar port aiom that japins entirely ua in a true there has not been a case of fever heie this seis n bior has tl ere been any form or df aguon stock that in anyway resembled the fever CHICAGO auar 8 paddy iwyan will publish A caid in the baily news say inar his backer mr bais informs him that a ball cannot be soured in bos tu for le proposed glove hitch with jahn before january knocked out all imported talent ive american ft shoy and proposes that the fight should tako place at square new loi k wei ks loro adf athe it barff beleve that bete i still eiliv and that tax of ins death was put in for aha of r onies announced in the commons this afternoon that the government is mak to beirn if the report ia true or balic ang 8 plin tre be dred at the department foi vaults to accommodate the CK cease of sil it M 0 locate ona of chec vaults at abo belr mint and mother in the bl bement of the dieas div hero ohp acting of the dieas ury tb day i from the Colle coi of customs at tacoma Ti coma tf sta that bis officer v ith the of tha rdv denue steamer had i i loop en cued in run ninar british two but nine chi ahe collector alo al o that one hundred had landed it vanous points on abe frontier in boats and indgin canoes within the bev days ind that bo is s to pi event them unless liis foro is increased falper will be back in a few days and the matter will be to ins attention it once it 13 explained by the officer of js toms ot tint division that the law provides tint no chinese laborers hall I 1 e pei bitted to enter ahe united states by aind without producing to the proper of customs a certini cite obidee seek in toland from and that any Chi wiman found unlawfully hi ui f cd states hal be caused to be removed after beina brought before a or of the united baates but the duty of the court or i dois not by the law devoge upon customs offices cei mass aug 6 A terrible col filim browl m avert ed at the depot lere to day train boing poing east was in uie depot and signals were set the gloucester espres which instantly shot around the chive with its an abrl es disabled when feet of the trim at the the switchman with rare of mind threw the wild train on the siding savins dinv lives on both io williece ivea hand some present and i promotion pomp W T AU 2 seventeen moie China ihen were muffled in aiom british columbia near here yes berday an attempt to them was ains makes the third lot snuggled over abo bolder within 1 week auff 9 fresh outbreaks in spun led to a hasty ha sty summoning of the council anch resolved to sua pend declare a state of siebo necessary |