Show THE EXECUTIVE there is no one so narrow as to wish the national executive any pleasures or but will some one tell us who of arthur predecessors took life so easily unit it wae jiryes and raade a afu administration arthur is not doin it and did not do it the re associated with the office of president Pies ident of the united states are peat and re his almost constant and i attention ar thui has visited florida new yoloand and now be is on 1 is way to the country ho has visited all these places or will in the space of a lew months leavin pr the affairs of state in the hands of falper and virtually aie the Pres dent of the united states in the absence of the chief magistrate they are the appointed president fotr the man elected by the people to guird the of the people lie 13 a character be draw his calary whether ho rein uca in six months of the veal or not yle affus of tl e nation rooe along mt at waa ie a without as bufi him nothing more apparently than a acure head for which I 1 e u the sum of foi a term of couf years as a living piece of statuary reason why he IE hubbrd as such is because he ignores the of bis constituents b liepp ing men in claimed to be totally unfit for the positions they oc cupy and their office is looked upon us beine detrimental to the success of the party year but wl ha spend so much of bis time aw ay iy aiom tona Is his health keneer beardi of bitu having failing health and i be rants to see the eights of this country why does be not wait until of his teim ot officio and thespo tho expenses would bs great er and the honors less then than now a and sufficient reason isted wisely and well in this re hect A horse race would take him away from washington lor any length of time and when he rusticated it was not so fir from the capital but what ho could return on short notice he was wanted aftel his eight ysais as president ho t hen sightseeing paid his own bills and waa tin der oas to no one and enjoyed himself because he aed mone he had earned by staying at his post it matters not what he did as an execl tic whither good bad 01 ind ff erent when ho was wanted grant could be found perhaps would be no complaint if be would have left behind him who could command the ic of his fellow or even subordinates but arthurs three cabinet cers named above it is claimed in washington arcle do not the respect of their clerks only so as will holca then their positions thi if true inflects to the discredit president and shows that be feels indifferent about thu u of the republican party ne t year as well the of his constituents the president is now in the yellowstone and if he anjos his visit with so many cares on his mind well and good but we doubt whether ho in boast of a clear conscience deung his absence from the white |