Show rhoar is to talling at forty cents per pound COAL houses wood sheds and stables are springing up all oer town LAWRENCE DS and M mcgrata hae been appointed to solicit means for tho mckean monument pears and grapes at this season of the year is not enjoyed by many towns of I 1 in same altitude as park city MOST of the horses attacked with pink eye two weeks ago are now fully recovered and on duty again THERE will be services in the catholic charch to morrow morning at the usual hour 10 30 father kiely will officiate wagon shop is completed and he is now prepared to heal the fractured members of wagons and bug gies TUB on hotel is completed and tho attention of the carpenters is directed towards the inside of the building A SCARCITY of brick necessitates a check in chimney building here stores of them would loom up chii fall if the brick could be obtained A E ErpEr soT moved his hour and feed store this week down to the building lately occupied baj S humphreys as a blaid and lodging house UP at the head of white pine can von snow is said to be four feet deep several wood teim shavo suspended work because of the depth of the beautiful Y THE report is current that R C chain hers is at present in butte montina V it the be true kiy di with the ontario boys will bo prolonged until about the ane blight moonlight evenings the even and choice cream candies and tames at street it coates helps lovesick and bashful young men in matters THIS evening without fail the raffle for those two handsome meerschaum pipes will come off at coates individuals who have purchased tickets will take notice and be on hand S P HOYT of kamas reports a largo yield of oats to alie acie as produced from his farm ninety SIK and one thaid bushels to the acre is a yield that is h ard to boat in any country avenue is becoming of such magnitude that in justice to the people they ought to have the water pipes extended through tint thoroughfare to be used in case of fire if for no other purpose THE loud outcries of a woman at 11 biake tho stillness still nesi and aroused the slumbers of sleepers in the neigh borho d friday night who the participant siv ere in tho row tor that it and nothing more 13 not definitely known F is a house in town tb t has a sto e pipe projecting through the roof said pipe does not protrude more than six inches from the shingles some w adv day 01 night the alarms fire w ill be sounded and it will be discovered as emanating from this house TRACK layers are busily engaged lai ng track on the E wpc R R extension from the depot up to town travelers will be pleased to know that they can snooze a few moments longer in the morning when the depot becomes located near tow n THE reservoirs of the park city wa ter company have all been cleaned out and the patrons can now anjo the use of pure v ater the company is utilizing the rental money they have collected in keeping their pipes in lapair and making improvements THE dance in cupit hall last night for the benefit of the pire company was largely attended the hall being filled to its capacity with the merry dancers every one enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent dancing until late and departing fully satisfied with the evenings amu ement OUR catholic are making ex tensie preparations for a pan on an evening between christmas and new ysais lidies are soliciting bunds lunds ibid are meeting with good success ahe occasion will be one that all our citizens will bo interested in moie or less and a full houie will no doubt reet the event A CARD appeal a in the want column of the signed P who wants to con expend with a female not younger than 10 nor older than 40 with a bew to mahi mony strange tiling happen in utah and as this fellow has not stated his preference as to color or nationality he might con ci dmd with one of the descendants of K am dav tho mountains cay that winter is upon them aruL that snow shoe with them 11 an actual ne cassily ces one prospector oi told us it was utterly for him and his men to get from one claim to without snow choc there is among claim owners to get their assessment done beffie tle co e of 1881 while near the embiri mine hit met with the misfortune to bleik hii leg between the knee and ankle lie was a chipple and it was he leg that was broken dr mcfalls who wag called to attend him found much difficulty in adjusting on account ofelio previous deformity but it is hoped that bo will come out all V E P feiry hostler turned out iv 0 cf mr P s horbes ono of them the gray which was arg per x avs saddle horae to graze and exercise t themselves since then the hordes haye not been seen neither can any trace of them bo found anywhere strayed or etolen and it 13 altogether likel they have been led away b the h andl of some thief mr peir horses tn column MR COMPOS alio llio pi to indict upon all hoys who engino in dibound the school house list monday n aught ensued losano much JK older and anger thin tho othir the V little fellow wis badh trued up and tie larger wa i as punished pu nihed for w s irain it hile ml condou doo not propose to attempt the dionot the youth ot park cit he nevertheless erth eless intends that the boa must conform to alie rules of the school every sensible parent and tho trustee will bear him out in this departure YESTERDAY JE Galli gherA B emery and A M grant took a hunt the did not pet one shot at a duck in all their days tramp last night emery while engaged in the mail was heard humming to himself tho following of bis own composition yes we will gather on the heber the beautiful the beautiful bieber gather with jo heber and a duck near hailstones ranch AT the citizens meeting tuesday cunino which was called for the purpose of taking action in repaid to engaging night watchmen and to provide tor their pa ment the following committee was were author ned to solicit funds for the of defraying the expenses of night watchmen and were also empowered to select two men to act in that capacity chaales shields barney riley and jack rape IF some of the young lids in park city dont be careful care tul the chinese on the other creek will turn out in a body and make it hot for them throwing stones t is a disgraceful business we had a better opinion of tha boys of this tonn thin to even accuse them of engaging in such disgraceful amusements until one of them admitted of his being one of the in that kind ot sport night Is the professional caid column appears the card of bi C E lent who comes among us to practice his probes sion dr lent isa is a graduate of the college ot and surgeons in new york city and practiced there for a number of ysais failing health compelled him to seek a new field in the west park city and its health giving atmosphere appeared to bo the most inviting to the docton and accordingly has coine to stay any one desiring his services will find him at his office see caid |