Show locomotive as birned on upon the polish frontier fron tiei must bo a highly remunerative pursuit judin b the elaborate and p mechanical ap in loi mation havin tf reached the the alt locomotive ot iho ethics train leaving abit station at 6 30 a ni an fn lad been con veiled the revenue tho enema in question was accordingly to a careful inspection spec tion during its brief domn in alexandrova Alexin drova station nothing vas theio but the information tta of aft positive a character chir acter that the cleef collector resolved to send ono of liia onic nl accompanied by two rend ai mein locomotive loco motie to wacie it might be taken to pieces and examined by skilled mechanics under the direction of a government railway chis wis dono immediately upon the ai rival of the trim at warsaw tho engilos and boiler beio emptied and it was deliberately dismember ed bit by bit until a secret compartment in its interior was discovered con 12 3 pounds ot foreign cigars ind several panels of Til silk several arrests were made in consequence of this surprising disclosure including that ot tho engine driver who e wonder and consternation whon liis locomotive was proved to bo a hardened luceler mu celer were so obviously genuina that he was speedily released and permitted to return lo 10 his duties it is evident that in russia men of considerable parts and technical education must find it worth their while to diac tice systematic their national custom house 1 he devisers devi sers of the above ingenious contrivance may certainly chim to lank at the very top of their profession |