Show application for patent yom ao anso STATES I 1 AD orrice I 1 salt lake alt L tab NOT 2 lau I 1 given tatt auw iteen 11 ua tiereo ato at has ass marlboro t boson massachusetts male application for a bulted states patent for the yount bernou no 2 mining claim situate in inako crack mining district a county utah territory of IW linear ceol of the lode ana ground alx lx hundred feet ade being lot 0 o field notes and plat hii and in abo of the barvey on file in ehlt ith magnetic Tarl ailon at 17 degrees east followay at abc discovery a ilant thence n 59 des e on center line met to location ta lo 10 the center of eastern end line s 31 deg SOO feet to post io 1 thence TO dec w alone boubli bide of calalin 1500 ctet to poat io 2 tarence western end line SOO feet to n sl deg w malonff pot no 3 n 69 e alone northern glie line 1500 feet to post to 4 thence bul der e adlung end line feet to post no 1 30 as i 1000 acre es tha amount of around acres in conflict with the moraln star claim hereby ex eluded the said mining claim being of record in the oflus of tho of said district at midway ln coun utah the nearest known locations be ty ing the dan 1 0 connall morning star and and Vernoa claim 0 o 1 and the aln desota I 1 direct claim that athla notice lie published in the park nearest the said for the period of sixty 11 W 0 W K s A |