Show Conference Held in Kamas Nov 30 The dynamic and inspiring speaker Marlon Marion Duff Hanks der de- de delivered livered the main addresses at the South Summit Stake Quarterly Conference held Nov 30 In tho the Komas Kamas Stake House On the program were Dale Hair and the member 46 Kamas choir directed by John L. L Owen President Ident dent Ralph Richards Clyde Marchant Marchant Marchant Mar- Mar chant of Peoa Patsy Stokes MelI Melvin Mel Mel- vin ivin Hardman a recently returned I I missionary from Samoa Samon Keith I Page returned from the West Central States SUites mission Mr and Mrs Vern 1 Hall a 11 back from a a. London London London Lon Lon- don genealogical trip i i Elder Eldr Hanks Banks gave the chief ad address address address ad- ad dress followed by Patriarch Carl CarlI I Winter of Park Paik City Patriarch I Abraham F F. Marchant of Peoa President O. O Reed Marchant and andi President i Thomas Lefler of Kam- Kam KamI ns as Dee Dec Grose of Park City and andI IDan I I Dan Losee of Peoa both returned missionaries and Bishop Clifford ford noach Roach of Park Palk City |