Show Mr and Mrs William Are Feted on Sixtieth Wedding Date Los Angeles California Dec 1 I 1958 Mrs Rhea Hurley Park City Manager Dear Vear Mrs Mra Hurley Hurle This clipping Is la from this i mornings morning's Los Angeles Times We would like to have bave you print It in f e Record as aa there are many there who still remember us ua Please add that besides the large number of ot relatives Dr and Mrs George B. B Sheen and Professor and Mrs Irs E. E II 11 McCusker McCusker Mc Me- Cusker were present Thanking you yours truly W W. A. A Mr and Mrs William A. A were feted with a surprise open open house yesterday In celebration of ot their wedding wry sary The couples couple's six liE daughters laughter and some same of their eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren were among those joining the festivities festi In the home of ot Mr and Mrs Heber lIeber Mitchell of West Los Angeles son-in-law son and daughter r of or the honorees Also there was Mr 1 Haddon's sister slater Mrs J J. J Hesse liesse who was hostess at the Reddon's wedding wedding wed wed- ding I reception after their mar nags In 1898 In Park City Utah Mr Haddon was associated with The Times for many years L. yearn L. L A. A Times Dec 1 1958 The bride was Miss Mias Chloe J Evans and the marriage ceremony cere cere- mony many was at the home ot or the brides bride's uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Mr Thomas Jones Thomas WAllen WAllen W W. Allen bishop of the Summit County Stake performed the marriage ceremony |