Show Ivy Baker Priest Born in Coalville Her Book Reveals Ivy Baker Daker Priest United States ea Treasurer was born In Coalville living at Grass Creek With her parents and was as a frequent visitor tor lor at the tho Coalville candy store store etore operated by her Aunt Gertrude revealed Miss Irena Redden aa as she reviewed the Treasurers Treasurer's Autobiography Green Grows Ivy at the regul regular r Coalville Ladles Literary Club meeting which was herd Wednesday Nov 12 at the home of Mrs Arlene Patterson Club numbers members pr present nt were June Wild Wilde Leah th Robinson Lot Lor cne cne Coyer Boyer Kathryn Matl Matley y Clara Copley Edith Clark Irena RedI Redden Redden Red Red- I den Margaret larga et chappell 1 app lI Edith Edith I Bond nond Alice Allee Wilde Florence I I. I f I. I Donna Moore Donna Donn arl i Bullock ock Naomi J ar rth hostess Three e special lal guests were wern also Jn rn an e. e S rI y I Smith Irene Iren aDd Viola Mabey I r |