Show Fine Address to Mia Maids COALVILLE COALVILLE- Mrs hire Hazel Frodsham delivered an inspirational address to Mia Mm Maid girls of Summit Stake and their mothers Tuesday night at Summit Stake House A fine tine program was woo presented as follows Greetings and welcome welcome wel wet come by Stake Mia Maid leader Grace Pace prayer Leah Lash Dillree Dill Dill- ree Echo Ward Our Symbol My Rose G. G Neil Nell France Ward chorus presentation by Ward with Helen Judd I las as accompanist Were Verd Ver Grateful Dear Mothers tribute My Mother Carol Staples tribute to My Mm Mia Maid Violet Staples Coalville Second Ward piano solo eolo Verna Jean Boyer Upton Ward guest speaker Mrs Frodsham Prod Prod- sham remarks by bv Stake wv Y nr ident ideal Mildred Saxton Coalville Ward chorus sang a vocal solo Carla porter accompanist clos cbs closIng ing Jn prayer payer was by Ann of Henefer Ward Vard Booklets were distributed to the girls gIa by y Mia Maids Maida Leah Leab GNell Neil France and anti Carol Carob Roberts Delicious DeJl made homemade candy and assorted mi puts nuts ta were served follow tollow- ing lag the program |