Show I i PARK CITY- CITY CHURCH NOTE Th hn Ps t tt City I Ward will hold holdi 1 i lie he 11 annual Christmas party on Tuesday evening e DEC De-c 20 at 7 p pm p.m. m in m the rf creation halt at the C c 1 SAn Santa a will be te there Ward conference was wILt held in 1 hit Park City Oty Ward last Sunday und under r the direction of or the Stake Sake Presidency T Talks were given by Raymond Ch Childs II cis Delbert Tree counselors Dl BIShop hop David Loertscher LoertScher Loert- Loert President Tom Torn Lefler Leller President n Richards The musical numbers were by the ward wert choir under the direction 0 of Grant Peel with Fern Talbot organist A vocal duet by Marilyn Marilyn Mari Mart lyn and Flinders The officers officers of or- and teachers were sustained by Stake Clerk Lindsey Holt bit The opening prayer was given by Dean I I Boyle Doyle and the closing prayer by Tommy St. St Jeor I |