Show Modern Modem Times Cancel Out Record Carrier PARK CITY CITY- Changing times certainly certainty not the desire of the management are aro responsible for a a. change chango In the I IUle policy of The Park Record after the Ule first of the Uto year The R Record cord will discontinue its carrier boy service after alter January 1 I 1961 This step Is taken wl with 1 reluctance tance Through three quarters o of a century small and boys and girls girl's have have picked up pocket change I by acting as carriers for The Rec flee ord Hundreds of persons remember remember ber happily their experiences In m delivering The Record It was carried on by the not so much as a a. service to the readers readers read read- ers but a a. service to the kids The The kids no longer appreciate it It The The take Is better than ever but It Is b not enough in m Inflationary inflationary In m- terms to entice boys and girls girts away from oth other pur pur- suits slits Mrs Hurley and Joe Street experience Increasing difficulty in filling mUng the routes routes Readers Readers' now reached b by carriers carriers carriers car car- may hereafter subscribe for tor per year saving annually annually an an- incidentally and pick up their Records at the postoffice ice Those who find it difficult to pay cash will pave have ave until April 1 to pay pay current 1361 1901 subscriptions SI Simply ply call the office Number 7 and ask to be placed on the mallIng mallIng mallIng mall- mall Ing list after Jan 1 |