Show PARK CITY PERSONALS mn m- m PA I n Bun ri ii CU cape t Park Patk CUy popular bather babel f Act by Mr Mes O Super lp r and eon Bon Ed d will enjoy a aW awell awell W well earned arn d vacation In Yellow Yellow- atone t Patk the w week Pk of ot August 7 to 12 They plan to fish and enjoy the BI sights of this beautiful wonderland won derland Mr fr Mrs Mra Archer were ere S 'S Sq Sunday tt trl Ht at the b 1 f hit Alf lift Its Roy Hoy Fletcher Fetcher In iii ii Park lark City enjoying a breath or I Mrs Jack Tallon and Miss Mils Mildred Mil 1111 dyed dred Tallon are arc enjoying cool j I pleasant week ends In Park tark City City I I at their thelt home on Main Street i during the summer BUmmer months These b l ladles make their home in to In Salt Lake City but are happy to get I out ot of the heat there Mr Mrs Mra Douglas Fletcher Flelcher and baby son Kevin of San Slin Diego Call Calf were wore house guests for tot the thew w week k end at the home bome of Mr Mrs Airs A. A It II ft Fletcher in Park City Little Kevin Fletcher la Is the great greats I grandson ot of the Roy Hoy Fletchers Fletcher and it was his hi first meeting with his grandparents The Douglas Fletchers visit relatives in i I Heber and Salt Lake City also Mrs Jack Simpson is enjoying I a 4 Visit Jelt at the home of Mr Mrs Mn Andy Lundin In Midway where she Bhe is recuperating from a recent I illness Mrs Mary M M. Yates and little daughter daught daughter r Cheryl are are now com coin comfortably located in their home tEm Cre Canyon They have resided in Keetley J for the past few years and abd are pleased to be beback beback beback back home homo again in Park City Mr Mrs Tom Hays Mr Barney Bar Dar hey ney 1101 Hays and Miss Mise Linda Hays 1 of ot Oakland Calif Call spent Saturday at at th i me ot of Mrs Mae Paxton In Park City Cily Sunday Mr Mrs Clarence Hays and Mrs Paxton joined the California Hays and andall andall I all drove up to The Cottonwoods Cottonwoods Cotton Cotton- woods In Jackson Jaclson U Hole hole le Wyo 1 for five days of very good fishing The Tom Hays family returned home m Saturday I I 1 Mrs A A. A F F. F Warr returned h home me to to Park Patk City r recently otter Titer enjoying a happy two weeks vaca vaca- j I tion the house guests gueste of their I I daughter Mr Mr- Mrs Gerald Murphy Aur- Aur Mur l phy in Spokane Wash During their visit places of Interest to rn I I Washington Northern Idaho and Loon Lake were visited I end I greatly enjoyed On pp the trip to Spokane the Warn Warre traveled through scenic Payette National II I Forest and and andret ret returned hom home yla 1111 Montana I Mr Mn 1 I Ann Tracy racy of or Seattle Wash l le IA the guest guetl of M ether fier r sisters Usters Mr Mrs Mu Florence Aubrey and Mrs fri Clyde in Park tark City I where the she will spend l end a B week renewing renewing re re- old friendships M. M M re- re Tracy will be tem remembered ft as i I IAnn Ann Toots Toot Jones and resided In I I Park City until her marriage She will visit relatives and friends friend in III Sail Lake City before returning l home Mrs Orville Wilde returned homo Monday from an enjoyable t i tI I visit with Mr ft Mrs Bob Adamson Adam Adam- Adamson I son Mn and little daughter II In lUer ton Wyo Wo Mrs Wilde flew u up to to see lee the beautiful new home the Adamsons have just completed and report them all I I well and happy Mr Ir Mr Wilbur Brooks Drooks Mr I Mrs Herbert Adamson Mrs Mra C C C. V. V Hodgson and Miss Mary Mar IV Dougherty enjoyed dinner Sunday sunday Sun sun- I day at the tho Homestead In Midway Mr Mrs Albert Smith and I daughter Kathy Katby Buddy Muddy Bru Dru and i Mrs Bru nee Dee Linda I i Smith who has been making her home with her parents in Park I j I City since her marriage drove to Henderson Nevada where Mrs Bru and her husband will make j i I a home The party enjoyed a I sight seeing seeing trip to u the Utah I I I Parks Parke and Boulder Doulder Dam before returning to Park City CHy Mr Mrs Matt Malt and andson andson son sou Mark spent Sunday In Park City and enjoyed the cool delightful de des day at the St. St Marys Mary's picnic Miss MilIA Mary nary Loverich of ot Tooele accompanied them Mr Mrs Wilbur Brooks Brooke of S Salt lt Lake Lako City enjoyed a delightfully delight fully cool evening at the home of Mrs Mra C C. C V. V Hodgson Visiting from Colorado at the home of ot Mr fIr f Mrs Robert Blanchard Elan- Elan chard are Donald S. S Young daughters Vici and Connie of Montrose Colo Alta Young Phil Phil- Phillips lips fps I and son eon Michael and daughter Betty of Grand Junction Colo I I IDon Don and Alta are native and are also enjoying visiting their sister Mrs Dave Street j i Mr 1 Mrs Mrs Mrs' Keith Bronson of Midway and Mr 1 f Mra A 1 Mrs Alfred II I Smith of Spokane Washington to their homes lomes after atter a pleasant visit ot pt the tho home bome of or Mr I 1 Mrs Street treet In n Park City CHy Mr Mrs William P P. P Bailey BOlley 11 were visitors in Park City last week end at their home 1487 I Park A Avenue e u Jh The galleys galley's now residing in tn n Ogden plan to spend I I week ends enda at t their home in Par Park I City enjoying the tho refreshing cool I I i I i j I I I I I weather hero here Mr Mrs Austin Thomas omas spent Saturday at at the ih I Bailey home and also visited l Mrs rs Lillian Lillian Watson Mr Mrs Will of Eureka Calif were visitors at the home of at Mr Mrs Don Peterson for a dayon day dayon on their way home from a vaca vaca- I kion spent In Iowa The Wills' Wills I II family were former Park City J residents I Mr Mrs Fred Eley returned home from froman fan an an Interesting vacation vacation vaca vaca- tion In Cort Cortez z Colo where they vi visited sHed with Freds Fred's mother Mrs MM I Naomi Mayne and sister Mrs Ernest Mayne then on to see the Interesting sights of famous old and Durango Colo The Eleya report a fine trip and vacation vaca tion Mr Mra Mrs Fred Eley Were ere hosts to a happy and delightful party at their home for forthe 1 the the July 24 holidays all members being present to to enjoy a delicious turkey dinner plus all the trimmings trim trim- t Mrs Mra R R. R E E. E Lincoln of Dallas I Texas and children Vici and Bob Dob and Mrs Phil Beggs Deggs o of Dallas DIll Dul- Jas las I s. s Texas were visitors for the Iday iday In Park City Thursday Mrs Beggs Deggs the former Nellie Benny was a long time resident of Park City and Mrs Lincoln her daughter Phyllis born In m Park City City greatly enjoyed visiting with friends in the old home town Both mother and anol daughter retain a war warm spot in their hearts for Park City and their many friends here beret They will visit in Salt Lake 1 City at the home of ot Mr Mrs Mra I I John Hoist Holst before returning to 1 Texas Tens I |