Show Fair Fair- Di Director ector Offers Suggestions for Better Chance for Premiums Dear Exhibitors May we take this opportunity of thanking you for being one olour of ol our 1959 exhibitors in the Home Arts Department and hope you will be with us in our department August 26 and 27 1960 at the Summit County Fair Fair- If It you have havea a friend who Is interested please Invite them to exhibit with us this year We have J ad ad excellent improvement Improvement improvement im Im- provement In the quality of workmanship workmanship workmanship work work- manship of exhibits in the build build- ing W We feel feel this is the result of both the fine competition and the ex excellent work of the judge judges The following we pass on toyo i. i L s Suggestions ons 1 Quilt t tops ps and backs should be carefully pressed to remove any wrinkles wrinkles' or fold marks before before before be be- fore being put together for the final finishing and quilting 2 All knit crocheted tatted hairpin lace or other dollies bed bedspreads bedspreads bedspreads spreads tablecloths etc should be carefully pressed blocked or laundered 3 All clothing and handwork must be clean and the work of the exhibitor must have been completed during the past three thre years prior to exhibit 4 4 All clothing whether mens men's women's or childrens children's should be carefully examined for final re removal removal removal re- re moval of thread endings bastings and such and should be carefully carefully carefully care care- fully pressed If It they have been worn they must be freshly cleaned 5 All pictures and wall hangings hangIngs hangIngs hang- hang Ings should be straight and even within the frame or paced on a backing for hanging They must have back attachments for hang hang- ing hang I 6 All foods In glass containers I whether bether fruits vegetables pickles pickles pickles pick pick- les jellies or Jams must have havo been canned durl during g the past year prior to exhibit and must be bethe bethe bethe I the work of the exhibitor Only regular standard fruit jars will willbe willbe be accepted which must be cleaned cleaned clean clean- ed Cd and shined clean I 7 7 All judging is done by people who have had special training and there are always two two judges for lor each section in th the Home Arts 1 Department This p per e r m J Us ta thorough examination of each Item giving consideration to each exhibitor II 8 In the 1960 Home Arts exhibit for the Summit County Fair there will win be a bread section In addition to the canning and candy making Ten Dollar Dollars Given 9 9 As a special event we are sponsoring the Best of Show yeast ea r baking award of 10 offered by Standard Brands Inc makers make o 0 F yeast 10 Any or all articles exhibited once at the county fair are exempt ex exempt exempt ex- ex empt from being entered for competition the second time If It such Is U entered they will be dis dis- disqualified disqualified qualified and placed for exhibition only 11 The premium books book will bein be beIn In circulation as soon as they are I off press Anyone wishing a premium book can book can contact Naomi S. S Judd O or 01 Thelma Thel- Thel ma mil Ovard from the north end of ot the county or those who have bavo previously worked with tho the fair I from the south end of the coun coun- ty f Velma S S. S Judd Director l Kome Iome ome Arts Department |