Show I I I Residents of Area Are Shocked t I by Hopkins Hopkin's Convention Defeat Both Democrats and Republicans cans cana of this area were wera shocked and disappointed at the tho turn tum ot or Fate which eliminated Hopkin the areas area's native son from the race for the Democratic nomination for tor Governor ot of 0 Utah It had bad been almost a foregone conclusion conclusion- throughout ti t. tu state tate that hat Lon Ian would come out of the convention out 0 ot of the primary and that he be had aa an excellent chance ot of being the next governor f. f Instead a test minute III delegate strength left Hopkin outside out nut side Ilde with Barlocker of ot St St. t. t George and ot or the primary primary mary marT candidates Observers and cam oani I workers declared that the tho shift came la In Salt Lake county where the Rl Rich h county rancher received It la je be belleve only about half halt the votes vote which had been pledged to him Hopkin has two wo more more years rears to serve la in his p present t post as all State Stag Senator He won the applause and ad ad- admiration of ot the Pe entire state with which he be M ac accepted fol fol- Saturdays Saturday's state Oi tion the bitter pill pm of defeat He n. baa has to tI that at this W. time he Jle j f J retire retire- from polities politic upon completion of his tern tra h in to the Senate |