Show pinch pennies pay dollars there is as much waste in false economy as in an utter disregard of costs and the home ionic today that fails to take advantage of efficient modern methods methods of conducting its affairs is pinching pennies to pay out dollars SAVE WITH ICE means more than saving 0 of foodstuff it means protection of bf health because foods spoil quickly in warm weather and you are gambling your fam ilys health for a few cents when you try to save by doing 0 without ice we have solid big cakes of ice frozen from 0 distilled water which we deliver regularly at your home upon order phone us today to day call cali J park P ark city ice co GOOD COAL C O 0 A L means heat dont wait until your bin is empty ORDER NOW with a good supply of our COAL less smoke I 1 slower burning greater heat you will use less r UTAH COAL AND SUPPLY CO W J LEWIS LEVIS manager phone 24 P 0 box keep Elimina dve ve system active elimination cant fe feel elwell well when there is ONE a non on of poisonous waste J i in the blood this is called a toxic condition and is apt to make one tired dull and languid other symptoms are sometimes toxic backaches ond end headaches that the kidneys are not functioning properly is often shown by scanty or burning passage of secretions many people have learned the value of doans Doana pills a stimulant diuretic when the kidneys seem functionally inactive every where one finds enthusiastic doans doana users ask your neigh neighbor bort P IL L S groans stimulant diuretic c to 0 o the kidneys roster fot mlaura co UN ch balo NY 10 J D gret E a I 1 anderson andersan mortuary ry phone R 1 I mcdonough attorney at law telephone no 5 J T 11 E JOHNSON attorney at law office at city hall I 1 R R HACKETT attorney at law office in dr sheens 0 opposite p cosite city hall phone 51 1 da D a G scott DRAY AND EXPRESS truck and wagon service long distance hauls i 1 80 t G M ARCHER MORTUARY licensed embalmer and funeral director AMBULANCE SERVICE day and night service phone P 0 O box I 1 PARK CITY LODGE NO 7 1 I 0 0 F y meets meeta every monday night at L I 1 0 0 F hall ball A cordial welcome extended sojourning sojo brothers JULIUS HOLM N 0 LESLIE ROACH secretary lapa lapage ge H NOTA NOTARY RY PUBLIC at the park record office |