Show CARD OF THANKS through the columns of the record W we e desire to publicly express our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation t to 0 the many kind neighbors and friends for the friendly kindliness and assistance rendered us during the illness of our huband father and brother while at his home in denver colorado and also to the fr friends ends in park city after his death in reri rendering dering every assistance possible in arranging tor for the funeral and giving consolation by words of cheer and comfort particularly are we appreciative adv e for or the help and kindnesses besic bestowed med by mr james mcknight of denver and to mrs kate savage of park city the many kindly acts will ever be cherished by us all very gratefully MR MB AND MRS JAMES CU cunningham MR AIR AND MRS DAN cunningham AND FAMILY MR AND MRS PATRICK cunningham AND FAMILY MR PETER cunningham MR AM THOMAS cunningham |