Show DO YOU CARRY TUB MESSAGE ALMOST everyone in the united states who has read anything other than the newspapers Is familiar with elbert hubbards hubbardd Hub bards Il message lessage to garcia this short editorial was dashed ott off by hubbard one evening after supper in a single hour he was given the cue in a chance remark of oe ills his son it was published in the philistine which was lust just going on the tha press the follow following fi ng morning the editorial was one ot of those flashes which come to a writer only a few times in his life produced without effort or sweat or hair pulling it struck a lost chord an and everyone who read it recognized that here was the note tor for which they had been fumbling all these years I 1 have heard that hubbard did not write the message to garcia that a man in his employ was responsible for this editorial which cheas was translated into almost every language and of which forty forty copies have fiade been printed this story is like all other stories of the genius behind the genius we hear them about henry ford and thomas edison every day why should we believe them anyway after many years I 1 have looked up this little pamphlet and I 1 have lave reread re read the message to garcia I 1 have tried to sift out the keynote of this bit of writing and it if I 1 am not mistaken this is it in every store and factory there Is a constant weeding out process going on the employer Is constantly sending away help that have shown their to further the interests of the business and others who are being taken in no matter how good times are this sorting continues only it if times are hard and work is scarce the sorting Is done finer but out and forever the incompetent and unworthy go it Is the survival of the fittest self interest prompts every employer to keep the best those who can carry the message to gracia in our pitying 0 of o the neer do wells let us drop a a tear too tor for the men who are striving to carry on a great enterprise whose working hours are not limited by the whistle and whose hair is fast turning white through the struggle to hold in line dowdy indifference slipshod imbecility and the heartless ingratitude which but tor for their enterprise would be both hungry and homeless have I 1 put the matter too strongly possibly I 1 have but when all the world has gone a slumming I 1 wish to speak a word of 0 sympathy tor for the man who succeeds the man who against great odds has directed the efforts of others and having succeeded finds theres nothing in ili it nothing but bare board tind and clothes I 1 have carried a dinner pall pail and worked tor for days wages and I 1 have also been an employer of labor and I 1 know there is something to be said on both sides there is lie excellence per se in poverty rags are no recommendation and all employers are not rapacious and highhanded high handed any more than all poor men are virtuous my heart goes out to the man who does his work wit when en the boss is away as well veil as when he is at home and the man who W when hen given a letter for garcia carcia v quietly takes the missive wit without hou t asking any idiotic questions and with no lurking intention ot of chucking it into the nearest sewer or of 0 doing ought else but deliver it never gets laid off nor has to go on a strike tor for higher wages civilization Is one long anxious search tor for just sue such h individuals divi duals anything such a a man asks shall be granted he is wanted lw anted in every city town and village in every ottice ot tica shop store and factor factory y out tor for such I 1 he is needed and needed badly the man I 1 who can carry a message mess age to gar gaz d cla through the |