Show STRIKES ARE FAILURES THE STRIKE as a means of 0 forcing a desired end and concessions by those against whom the strike is ia launched is fast losing its power it causes much suffering loss of wealth to a all 11 concerned and inconvenience to everybody but its power Is broken the coal strike in england is a fair sample it was thought by the striking miners that by closing down doan the coal mines i all industry would be ba paralyzed and terras terms with them would have to be made before manufacturing railroads raif ralf roads steamships and other necessary business could operate at all heretofore this has been the ease case but in the past few months england has turned its railroad locomotives steamship boilers and factory furnaces into oil burners and is getting along without coal and as many of them will never return again to coal from oil the miners have suffered a great permanent loss no matter how the strike terminates tm A competitive fuel has now a foothold in england that coal can never break with the result that thousands ot of coal miners have put themselves permanently ly out ot of work the motor truck truc khas ihas come to the rescue of people in the delivery of food and it also has oil power the miners there set out to starve the people into submission to their demands which were that the government vote a subsidy hut but the british public is now showing the miners that they can get along without coal and so will tt it be with the railroads of thia country if the threatened strike takes place A million motor trucks swill bs be put into commission and automo bile bi lesani airplanes will carry cassea gers in which event it may be demonstrated that in a pinch we can get along without railroads logan journal ro |