Show tropic trop ic kew News A democrat rally was held thair may day night in the anju amusement I 1 hall II 11 the lion dan iiii shields C ids of salt I 1 lake city and john king of ESC escal a 1 ante were the ape ahers MY MT rather upset gome of the republicans and socialists and gome ey ex cresp them calves BS as one aho might vote the democrat tic ticket e t the democrats in this section tire aie ve very enthusiastic n and expect a coun ty state and national victory f e the tha fiat fifty ast wadding anniversary h lyof of mt and ahl biro D 13 ott oft was wad held at the residence af pf jda jaa rott saturday y october octa d i r alot aidt of relations and friends were in attend ance the evening was vas spent in cloying I 1 ganies singing songs and tec ting all wished ish edthe the aged coup meny happy yenta years to come mr victor cox from mexico bas ban been a visitor of mr and mrs frank ri eiding dino the pas t we week ek mr ME abe brown froth from gunnison lson lapete co was in town with a fancy afancy line aress goods good mr and mrs I 1 J E rio ity f flora Juni junction tion ake are gnesi of mr and mrs richard cook mr hugh gilder has gone t to 0 function to ape pend n d the wanter mr riv ray Alil ahlstrom rt tu nied home from pa jact kith j alth esc 1 y i i H S ali ier iw r a adofo tn wt 0 baat amon no fb lh r Wil lioni evans eans h and iad thas returned to ditch with biti their deer |