Show j i t p q k f GOOD HOUSE FOR THE FOWLS should have southern front and yards may be laid off for in pens if desired A good poultry house may bo be built itter plant plans shown in the drawing such a house may be made any length desired and portioned ned into six foot breeding polls pens 16 foot deep which would give 7 13 1 3 square fee per bird for or one malo male and 12 females the tha house should have a cement or board floor nud and can be so GO built as to make it rat wind and rain proof I 1 prefer a floor of cement writes william scott of abilene Ab llene kan in the farmers mall mail and breeze the house should front south and yards yarda may bo be laid oft off for tho the use of orr good for several uses individual pens it desired this kind of house is also suitable for raising early hatched chicks the tha upper windows are hinged so BO they may be swung open at any desired angle or to bo be hooked booked up as the weather demands tho the lower front la Is covered with one inch mesh wire and a drop canvas or windows may be used the window should be hung so as to swing in at any desired angle roosts boosts are placed along the north wall A single roost running the length of the building and set act out two feet from the north wall may be made to servo serve the purpose A roost shield for cold weather can bo be made of a frame the length of the roosts boosts and two feet wide to be covered with sound burlap on top and sides place this frame six inches above the birds heads and let the burlap hang a foot below the roosts boosts this frame should be drawn up out of if tho the way each morning it nests are place low enough not many hens will lay on the floor and andja it Is ia often considered better atilt them right on the floor A made of burlap so BO it will almost hide bide the nests make them more attractive to the hens hena and helps helpa to prevent egg eating |