Show UNIQUE CASE OF FILIAL LOVE to help his mother a penniless nobleman tries a clown act in parla paris theater visitors to parts paris who have recently wondered by cliance chance into one of tile tho cato concerts coB Corts which aro are mostly frequented by that class who neither toll toil nor spin must have boon been amazed and saddened by a very unusual music hall turn writes tile the paris correspondent of tile the brooklyn eagle xavery night between the sentimental tenor and the chant chantease chanteuse euse legero legere a mournful looking young man irian appears ile iio Is greeted with derisive yells lie ile sings or tries to sing a senti mental ballad and a comic song lie also imitates animals tile tho noises of tools toola and the whistling of locomotives the effect Is so deplorable that the audience aud lenca recently insisted on oil tho the no blo clown apologizing for life hla lack inck of skill lie he humbly advanced to the footlights and bowed to right left and before him then in a voice choked with bobs ho befanto be began ganto to express lite his regret With pathetic resignation h ho went down on ills his knees offered profuse 0 apologies tor for ills his lad fact of skill and promised to do his best beat to please them them in the future few who have scon aemi this lamentable e exhibition know its origin and excuse this object abject buffoonery Is inspired by one of the noblest motives filial love this descendant of one of tho oldest and noblest families in venico was left alone when very young with his infirm and penniless moth mother or for many years they lived on oil the charity of friends but the old woman to Is now in such health that admission into an almshouse would be tho the only means of saying saving her life dut but this cannot bo be obtained without the payment of a certain sum and her son Is now employing the only means of procuring it open to him |