Show if he smokes we call it a smoking jacket if he dont its a house coat the new styles are here fancy plaids checks silk quilted silk trimmed some plain outside plaid in adda cant the patterns any more than we can describe the different styles of butterflies come see them we can suit everybody in house coats boo up to 10 FRED M NYE the clothier ebony toilet goods gold filled spectacles and many other beautiful things for xmas W I 1 buswell ask tor red bradin Tr adin stamps at castle gate coar co 27 john farr silverware knives and apera glasses borki teaspoons W L buswell jeweler ft come and buy your christmas dolls 1 at bazaar A event of the utmost to every woman weking to make her dollar do its full duty and a little more read our ad on page 5 abris tenson shoe store dont forget the sale at the leader millinery co j fancy work and aprons at the episcopal bazaar ogden flour to meet the opposition iri flour we will high patent flour at per amundred and straight grade at per ibs G G mc aarland ra rland telephone no 32 twenty fourth street for sale cash Is required to buy a nine room frame house and big lot half block from laster park and three and one half blocks from washington avenue Is costing holder of mortgage over ita a bargain it you have not got all the money we will lend you 1500 on ane place hunter kennedy irs V C millinery salo continues all hats go at half price go now wettest bargains of thi reason 2410 wash ave paine and hurst money saving flour do you know that with certain kinds of hour it ial possible to pro duce more loaves of bread to the aask than with other kinast this desirable is brought about by the w d wheat and dinou A machinery it i the bouli when you buy our elloui you get not only a pure and very healthful flour but it goes further than oyer kind our flour ia money sating flour 1 crescent high patent lily white high patent star str bight PEERY BROTHERS MILLING COMPANY ei 8 S 8 ey i all that christmas is drawing near and e 26 SeM the presents you will bs expected to give A abl esbil A to buy is now dont wait until the last day and then not be satisfied come in and see our stock now while it is complete we have a beautiful line this year consisting of fancy china and silverware cut glass decorated and plain glass ware nickel plated goods chafing dishes five teas and in numerable novelties that must bei seen to be appreciated sy fail to visit Us ia 6 2419 washington Was Kington avenue 2 u A few ladies have not yet been to see our offering of new style haistings Wai stings we offer at the above price and yet since the announcement a week ago half of the 2000 yards are sold nearly every taste can be suited from this apt because there are plain colors dots persian patterns persian borders and stripes in both the brilliant and soft toned effects the prices were originally 65 75 and a yard they offer you not only admirable waists the soft clinging kinds but a great many are taking advantage of the lowest price ever quoted for these goods to make long wanted flannel wrappers tea gowns traveling robes ac the dres goods sale this borni ng we added fresh pieces to the following jots exceptional values are offered at every price and the goods themselves are as attractive as the prices not a piece of old shap worn goods in the lots nothing but the most desirable fabrics in new weaves and colorings assorted black and colored fabrics including black storm serges and such popular weaves as ac all high grade this 7 ap seasons styles 1 and styles S black wool serges Pru nellas and figured mohair effects to qualities p colored Zi belines and fancy sui tings handsome serviceable styles A Q 60 and 1 qualities J 4 elegant sui tings in light and dark grays blue brown tan decidedly hand some styles in good weights and purest wool 52 to 58 inches wider and the including yard finished rain proof sui tings formerly 2 ti azid C fleeced winter wrappers f ac we offer you choice of sis dozen new winter wrappers with lining these come in warm colors are made jarac and full the styles that usually sell for S akey 1 are we closed out a manufacturers stock and the price reduction we se 0 cured enables us to offer them at boyc we are showing some very pretty styles in girls knitted vests new line of these popular goods just n y less nhsn three beeks left in which to obtain chances on dur christmas prizes every dollar spent secures you a free ticket in aaion to mahogany piano we will give a valuable a fine se a silver tea set a dinner service and a beautiful silk waist pattern a gold |