Show RANDOM W shoemaker ol 01 salt lake i an ogden visitor today dr A W taylor of brigham city is in ogden visitor today frank J left last evening for milwaukee where he will stay some time frank resident rei ident of garland box elder county was in ogden list evening W wagnon ie in the city spending a few days am wife they vill depart for the coast here they will it their future home the elks helda social a L in the lodge rooms last c cuing the session was attended by a large number of member ami the evening aaa pleasantly passed the weber county medical association held its annual meeting last night and elected the following odi cere i i A S condon vice president A powers treasurer G A II 11 B forat coming tomorrow drs shores and shores at tho hotel judge yesterday approved the bonds of the county era elect the bonds ere in the aum of oarb and as follows W G wilbon andrew white and J L aileon epli stanford david tifft and thomaa D ie jeee foceri fowers and camei B the ladi ot the yesier lifted for alic ensuing year day follows lol lows bast lady commander tr 1 averill Av crill lady 31 LK I aldy kennedy keep er sir towne lady keeper art alre zinn f at sire Zimmer nian i I ady aire couch sentinel bits knoth guard sir accy or ieni blia launie continued on ra six RANDOM references V continued from page 5 evans of the utah manager in box elder sugar company interests county was in ogden this morning A license to wed was issued 10 J rom acu aged 23 of ogdan and ruby i R taylor aged 20 of IIams ville editor phil triplett of the wilh kev herald was in ogden today calling on friends mr triplett was mari ried recently and ia on his wedding toun he went to california through state and arizona and is returning by way of denver the tax sales of the delinquent taxes begin noon morning december and trill continue for about 10 days until all is sold since the list was i published the de tax payers arc archery very slow about paying after next monday the costs df the sale and publishing will be at cached as soon as the sale as made mr D mcfarlane McF ariane woolley of toronto canada who is en route west for an tour of the pacific coast ia stopping over in ogden for a few k days visiting his cousin mr A J llrath of the windsor hotel while sir wo ollay is west on a pleasure trip he is combining business and pleasure plea Bure and is watching for ri good opening for a progressive business man we trust ogden can the most inducements an action bag been filed in alic dia brict court by henderson Maci Millan as attorneys tor nels roman andrew sullivan for the recovery ot an bounta and costs the complaint alleges that sullivan leased arm keinan at boano toano nevada borno sorno horses a angon and so he could do some gradina ork on the southern railroad the deal was made now roman is for the value of three dead horses and for alio use of the wagon and harness mildred H sommers through glicr attorney george halverson has brought suit for A divorce in tho second district court against charles sommers Som merB alie grounds upon which tho asks for the bonds of matrimony to be dissolved are failure to provide and abusive ness and wife beating the couple were married about two years ago and have in uintah all the time the complaint states there arc a lotof lot of provisions at tho house hah she asks possession of by an order of judge the daya on which ihfe district court will be in passion the ath to the of cadi month i ia i A james who was the guest of of nevada on hia visit to the national livestock exhibit in chicago yesterday he reports halving had the time of his life although the pace the governor set was a drialo n his nerves governor of nevada and wife will be entertained at the pacific hotel this evening sirs J II 11 nevan has returned from an extended visit to wells and death nevada A license to wed was issued this afternoon to jesic elgan aged 21 and zella shaw aged 21 both of liberty |