Show LEGAL NOTICES delinquent NOTICE overland mining and milling company a corporation principal place of business ogden city utah location of works willard gold and silver mining BOK elder and weber counties utah notice is hereby given that there arc delinquent upon the following block account of assessment no 0 levied on the ard 3rd day of nov 1902 2 the sev oral amounts get opposite the jamea of the respective shareholders as follows B 0 vi ft f 3 M F crites 1 SO 35 30 5 73 W B II arkins 1000 10 0 1049 F M stanger 10 1000 82 76 15 1723 and in accod dance with lawand law and order of board of directors made august 20 1002 so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at office of the secretary of the company in no 2232 moffatt lane in ogden city utah on monday dec 29 1002 at 3 p in to pay the delinquent tax advertising and epe neof sale JOSEPH secretary BIDS WANTED bids for painting the sprinkling wagons belonging to ogdon city will lie received by the city recorder at his office in the city hall up to and including monday dec iffa 1802 the city reserves the right to furnish the material and to reject any and all bids specifications ficat ions ran be seen at recorders office bids and bid for painting thi spi inkling wagons by order of th city council ogden utah nov 1002 W J city recorder assessment NOTICE the north alar mining and milling company principal pla ceol business ogden utah notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tho directors held on the ath day ot october 1002 anas of one twentieth of one cent per share was levied on the capital stock or the corporation po ration payable immediately at the office of the company eccles building ogden utah any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the ayd day ot december 1002 will bo delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless pay ment is made before will be sold on the day of december 1002 to pay the delinquent assessment we with tha cost of advertising and expense ol 01 sale J H KNAUSS secretary eccles building ogden utah assessment NOTICE NO 0 overland mining and milling company principal place of baine s ogden utah location ot works willum llull box elder and weber counties utah at a inciting of the board of directors of above named company held november ard 3rd 1002 an assessment of on mill per there waa levied against the capital stock of the corporation pay ablie immediately to joseph doddard Rod dard secretary of the company lane og ten utah all amounts remaining unpaid by monday december ath 1802 will be considered delinquent and adt for sale at public auction and unless nude beforce monday december 20 with cost of advertising a sufficient amount of the delinquent stock will be told at 3 p m tit that day to pay ald delinquency ad ve deising ising and expense of sale JOSEPH GODDARD assessment NO 10 the alpine mining company office and principal place of business ogden utah notier la hereby given that at a meeting of the held on tho day of november 1902 an assessment of one tenth 1 10 of one cent per wa levied on all the charca of the capital tock of the corporation and outstanding payable on or before 1002 to the sec ithary at bai office it no street ogden city utah any stock upon which th aad may lemala unpaid on 6 day of december 1002 will be delinquent and advertised verti sed for sale at public auction and unless payment t made before RO ot the haie 0 o delinquent as may be nece wary wll be sold on the day of december 1002 at the office of the the hour of 3 p in to pay the delinquent together with tha cost of advertising and expense of ale V B secretary by order of abc board ot directors ogden utah oy 17 1002 2 stockholders MEETING notice S hereby givan alm annual of the stockholders of alm standard publishing company will be held at the office of the company twenty fourth street orden utah mondays Mon dayn 12 1003 at 2 pim for thai purpose of electing or the en suing year and transacting such other business as may chae before the meeting J T TRACY secy ogden pw th 1002 assessment 0 2 the twin creeks oil company location and principal place of den city utah notice is hereby given that at a meet ing of the board of directors held on the first day of november 1002 an ai i estment ofa 10 ofa fiill per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation po ration payable immediately to the secretary at his office on the west sido of washington between and street Any istock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the ath day of december 1002 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment i made before will be gold on monday the oth day of january 1003 at 1200 of said day to pay the delinquent lin quent assessment together with the costs of advertising and of sale E C S secretary office west side of washington avenue between and streets ogden utah WILL PAY COUNTY warrants WAR nANTS notice is hereby given that the under signed treasurer of weber county utah will at his office on and after this date pay all county warrants bearing register numbers from no no inclusive clu sive and further that all such war lants shall cease to draw interest after this date dec ath 1002 2 dated dec ath 1002 ALMA D CHAMBERS county treasurer NOTICE of INTENTION i of the city council of ogden city of building a side walk in a po on of side walk district no 8 and 0 o defray the expenses of such improvements by local assessments the city council of ogden city situated in weber county state of utah gives notice that it intends to make tho following improvements to wit to construct a side walk on the east side of adams avenue between and octh streets beginning at a point feet south of the northwest corner of lot 6 block ac plat A ogden city survey and running south feet more or lesi to the southwest corner of said lot 0 and the said city council further intends to construct a sidewalk side walk of cement not less than six feet wide the boundaries of the part of the district to be affected and benefited are lines running 50 feet back and parallel with the outer line of said street and tor the full length othe distance specified above 1 the estimated of such improvements it 1 K forthe the costs and ex thereof council anler ls to levy local ta cupon the real estate lying and being within the boundaries ot that portion of said side wak district above specified to the extent p the benefits to such property by reason of such improvements the city council will on monday the day of december 1002 at 8 p m nt the cita council chamber city cfall utah hear objections in writing from any and all interested in said local assessments by order of the city council dated november 1002 W J seal city recorder NOTICE OF INTENTION of the city council of ogden city of building a aide walk in a portion of side walk district no 8 and to defray the expenses of such improvements by local assessments the city council of ogden city situated in weber county state of utah gives notice that it intends to make the follo iring improvements to wit to construct a side walk on the west tide of adams avenue from the south side of street for a distance of feet south more or less to the south line of the property owned and occupied by F T and the said city council further intends to construct a side walk of cement not less than six feet wide the boundaries of the part of the district to bo affected and benefited are kinei running 50 feet back and parallel ith the outer line of said garect and for the full length of the distance specified above the estimated cost of such improvements is for the payment of the costs and ex denies thereof the city council intends to levy local taxes upon the real estate lying and being within the boundaries cf that portion of said aide walk district above specified to the extent of the benefits to such property by reason of such improvements the cita council will on monday use day of december 1902 at 8 p iu at the city council chamber city nail ogden utah hear objections in writing from any and all persons interested in said local assessments by order of the city council dated november lith 1002 W J city recorder seal |