Show SCHOOL TRUSTEES THEY HELD A MEETING LAST EVENING TO TRANSACT NECESSARY BUSINESS A meeting of the trus leca of the industrial du was neld last night at the institution which was the regular monthly session of the board the application ot benjamin R haddock of salt lake for the parole ot his eon wilfred was denied an the recommendation of the superintendent erin ernest jarels 0 salt lake was paroled to take effect september ast 1st he was sent to the industrial du school two years ago for truancy the communication of J B wallace asking for re em as teacher at the school was filed and will be considered in the near future the superintendent reported the engagement ga ot wm as second officer at 50 per month A communication from the telephone company was resel voa in which the company granted the request of the board tor reduction in charge tor phone at the school to 72 per annum the superintendents report for the month of july showed on julya that there were boys and 17 girls in the school During the month three boys were received on commitment and at a meeting in the month two boys and one girl were paroled on july 31 there were 33 boys and 16 girls in the school while 93 were on parole making a total of girls and ibous who are under the jurisdiction of the aboard the building committee reported that the girls cottage is now all complete save furnishing and papering the new cottage is directly opposite the main building and la surrounded on three sides by an eight foot board fence with a picket irence in front |