Show warner wagner when a young man wrote n sonata which a fair success but in titter life lie made every effort to suppress it going to the publisher bo said nave you any copies of that miserable thing still unsold res was the reply 1 have quite a number of them in stock send them to me at once with a bill said the composer A thousand copies were soon afterward delivered at his door the bill was a big one but it was paid somewhat grudgingly and wagner thought be had done with the thing what was hla surprise then at receiving two or three months later on another consign ment 1 hla almu of copies 1 I thought you bad only n thousand of these things be protested that was all I 1 had la block explained the dealer but these have been returned by my agents to whom I 1 wrote that you wished to have tho sonata suppressed wagner winced but there was nothing for it but to pay the bill and thereafter whenever business was dull with this crafty publisher a few hundred copies of the sonata would be struck off on shopworn paper and delivered at the composers door with a memorandum to the effect that they bad just come back from remote places where they bad been bent for bale |