Show CITY corruption philadelphia chaa another great scon dal in its municipal government both of the city have lately railroaded through ordinances granting underground and elevated street railway franchises to a gang of politicians without requiring them to pay a cent to the city for them john wanamaker former postmaster denoral ge noral the councils action terms lie declahee de claree that ito alv the ix si 3 lf J franchises without adequate compensation to ehg city tor them would bo public plunder ho wrote a letter directed to the mayor in which he offered to pay philadelphia for the same franchise this sum 03 the minimum by the terms of the letter it mr wana cakora proposition should be accepted other large suma would undoubtedly go to the city mayor ashbridge refused ito receive the letter but wanamaker was equal to the occasion and ho caused it to be delivered to the residence ol 01 the mayor in this letter mr wanamaker calls upon the mayor to veto the franchises and in that connection states that it the came franchises are granted to him he will pay the city the immense sum above mentioned he also states that he haa no interests in railroad enterprises and that he makes his offer as a public duty first to defeat the railroad grabbert grab bere and in the next place to see that the city secures something like adequate compensation tor the immense and valuable privileges which the franchise ordan alcea convey the prees dispatches say that there is little question but that large sums of money have been paid 0 councilmen for these franchises the quakers have about made up their minds that the city should be paid for the and not the members of the council the mayor has not answered mr wanamakers Wana makers letter As an earnest of his seriousness wanamaker haa deposited in the bank 10 per cent of the which will go to the city in the event he should fail to pay the upon the granting of the franchises to him the excitement foreboder forebodes fore bodes violence against mayor ashbridge it he should in the face of john wanamakers Wana makers proposition have the temerity to approve the franchise grabbing ordinances |