Show the E WATER QUESTION 4 GETTING A joint debate tuesday evening in the opera house between those opposed and those in favor ol 01 buying the public to judge between the divided forces of Ogden ites A red hot time may be anticipated the best speakers in the city will be on each side and the water question may be settled forever the water question has taken a new turn and the public Is now to be taken into the confidence of the city officials fici als today at noon mayor browning angus T wright heber thomas I 1 judge A B patton and william glasmann met at the weber club dining rooms to take lunch and naturally a took place and of course it was casall all about last nights action of the water committee after some very emphatic and affirmative remarks as well as heated denials it was decided that tor for the good of ogden the gentlemen should lay jay aside all prejudices and coolly and deliberately view the water question from a disinterested standpoint and see it if side had tha best proposition tor for the city 0 of f i ogden it was mutually agreed that each side gave the opposition credit for having the best interests ot of ogden i ai at heart but somehow judge patton I 1 and mr glasmann GI asmann could make no beadi headway in winning over the hardheaded hard headed mayor browning president of the I 1 council heber thomas and the president of the weber club angus wright and these gentlemen with equal fervor declared that they never tried to convince such bald beaded fellows as patton and glasmann GI asmann after going over the water question for years back each side declared the public sentiment ly was with their side of the question until one gentleman declared the best way cotest to test that question was foi or both bolh sides to present the case to a public meeting the opposition at once ic ac cepter this otter offer tor for a joint debate and it was mutually agreed to have a mass meeting at the opera house tuesday evening at 8 sharp tor for the purpose of discussing both sides of the water question that Is how the meeting was decided upon patton and glasmann GI asmann in joining the call do so for and in behalf of all those opposed to the city buying the waterworks water works for cash subject to a mortgage no arrangements range Tange ments have been made as to who should represent those opposed to buying the waterworks water works system and all those who have taken part in aiding councilmen jones and carr in the injunction proceedings are requested to meet with judge patton and mr glasmann tomorrow morning at lo 10 sharp at the standard editorial rooms no further invitation will le be required to allow any one to attend the meeting tomorrow morning MASS MEETING A public meeting of the citi citizens zells of ogden Is hereby called to be held tuesday evening at 8 sharp at the opera house for the purpose of discussing the advisability of buying the ogden waterworks water works by the city of lot ogden all those interested in the future welfare are invited to attend I 1 a AUA M S BROWNING 11 11 THOMAS A T WRIGHT A B 13 PATTON 1 WM GLASMANN I 1 |