Show HEED THE WEST A writer in the sacramento bee is after speaker thomes bracket aeed for criticisms of western state in which the speaker took occasion to ex regret that he had car voted or the admission admies ion of those commonwealths have done eo mu 0 o check the development beet interests inte of the country the writer has a use of words and style all his own he speaks of this sublimated czar who bestrides this narrow union like a colossa Co lossu deciding what arece iea shall be permitted tc enter into abo of legislative ao probation then lie goes on to pay a glowing tribute I 1 0 the empire of tha west out cl which bae been fashioned come of the grandest jewels in the diadem of and in doing so gives thomas brackett drosd this cauterizing canter izing that is altogether from a wester fl point of view for these western states have been unto the union like oxygen unto life into the veins of liberty weakened doar beaded badly drooping dro opine in the de atmosphere of eastern snobbery and worship of riches and name they have poured the rich warm bounding blood of freedom a freedom as boad as their own prairies and yet as pure as their breath a freedom that bars with it the spirit of the olden times the golden times of american history the times when men dared and did the times which have encircled this land with such an aureole of undying patriotism and elory that even the ot new york massachusetts maine and other etalea cannot dim the one nor the other into the restless rest lese and feverish body of the union to some extent diseased with the microbes of a love for all other but their own thaw western elates have instilled again the rich and precious life current of a true americanism an americanism eo vigorous strong so vital that even crackett reed cannot veto it god will forgive you reed for having aided in the ad of western states this act will be to you hereafter the saving oil of erace |