Show A CL CLASH ASH OF ARMS british mand and french meet in conflict sanguinary battle reported at bikk I 1 in the laros lagos hinterland and the french soldiers were victors uncertainty as to what has actually occurred berlin nov 26 A dispatch to the Frank tait fait from rome that a sanguinary conflict has taken place bethem the ibe french and british at nikki in the lagos HIE hinterland terland ENGLISH DOUBT THE london nov 26 V While hile the accuracy ol 01 the items dispatch announcing that a conflict hai taken place between french and british troops in t the be lagos hinterland is donated the london morning papers today pointed out the imminent danger resulting from the pr proximity of the two forces in the contested territory A conflict between the french and british force forcer I 1 in n the lagos hinterland has been anticipated lor for some time past both countries have been hurrying troops into the disputed territory tho the trouble is of about thirty yrs ars standing in 1870 france and great britain opened negotiations for the settlement of 0 their respective frontiers in west africa and it was decided in substance that french influence and authority should le to contained con tined to the north 0 of a certain une line and that great should have a free hand south of abe outbreak ut of the franco prussian war ia in t the he negotiations there was opposition in both countries to the cession ol 01 any territory and dur auit the next five year difficulties frequently occurred finally it wae was resolved to appoint te to reconsider the whole matter a and nd as a result in the courna of the next ten years four separate azree agreements ments were con later in the day a rumor was received at the british colonial office to the effect that there had been a competition be lwe en the french and british forces at kilki which is said to have been cap lured by the french troops the officiate officials of the colonial ul office however regard this re report portas as highly improbable aa they explain the british police in the hinterland who are in very limited numbers bad had strict orders to avoid any collision with the french it Iti is saso aso understood that the french forces had been instructed not to come into conflict with with the british the british forces in the Hin therland it if it further stated are larger in force the colonial office late this evenin evening received a cable message from lagos western coast of africa stating that rumor is current amoon the natives there of a collision between british and french troops the report it is believed will prove to be founded on a conflict between the french ind and some natives |