Show sheep men are eiven credit for owning laree bands but there is no owner of even in the western part of the united states who can rival of cooning coonong Coo nong civerina Ri verina N S W in the extent of his holdings it is said of him that he ie the most progressive as well as the largest sheep raiser in the haorld A new south paper gives a briel description of his holdings which will prove interesting te to western sheep men he eppars sheep this season and would have had inore but lost in the two years ago bat nothing of it as he j has between and lambs at and dunlop his stations on alie darling river be cheep this year he bought them from hie ilinoe sir samuel wilson and baa developed them magnificently there is literally water water everywhere what i i i n wells and all ia fenced in and subdivided int paddocks the area is about acre in a ring fence he has also a fine property in queensland on which he is shearing sheep his cooning coonong station is only his stud arm it is only in ebent and he has upon it of very high quality from which be sends annually laree drafts to improve the breed on his other properties mr mccaughey is able to beatt as one result of long continued efforts that be has increased the yield of each of hie own sheep yearly to tha extent of one pound of clean scoured wool now even at the present low range a pound ol 01 clean scoured marine combing is not worth less than 18 pence so that it follows that this ente pricing eing man has increased his wool returns by upwards of per annum |