Show LOCAL NEWS i the only tiling in probate today was an order for settlement of final account aej distribution of estate was entered in the matter of the estate of bior rocks deceased the ot police and fire colmia met last evanine eve nine no busin oai of any great importance was transacted transact ej dunles a it was the allowing of billa and payrolls the alro pay roll amounted to and the police roll was the chief reported the arrests tor two weeks as 52 out of which 34 biad been convictions A little girl six years old stepdaughter wandered away from home yesterday afternoon at 3 and was not found until late in tho evening gumora were circulated eliat some one had enticed her away aad the search was eager and anxious about 9 she was found in the east end of town wandering up to the hills in search of wild flowers A runaway occurred this morning on twenty sixth street which proved a narrow escape for those interested vm isoble and two others were driving along with a wagon load of carpets when a bolt holding the shaft dropped out the boree started one way and the ft agon went another A post was struck which threw koyle and another off in front of the wagon but the wheel struck an eminence and tipped over thus saving them from being run over As the wagon tipped the third man jumped just escaping being dashed against the tree it was a narrow escape mr 1 I A defly editor 0 the astorian published at astoria oregon passed through ogden yesterday lie stopped owr liero long enough to see ins friend W II 11 llodo and to call on TUB STANDARD he had been to chicago on a hurried trip and wae now on hie way back lie stated that ogden was the liveliest town lie had seen for ila size on hia way back in all other towns there seemed to bo an undefined dread or depression hanging over the people that could bo felt almost as soon as one entered thins so far as he could learn v ere quiet everywhere even chicago with her resources and tributary country partook of this feeling in oregon affairs were quiet astoria had paid out in labor on the fish canning industry last year and was in a prosperous condition the timber industry was quiet though much was hoped for in that should something bo done with alie nicaraguan canal |