Show for twenty thousand the case of joanna beckerton ct al va S II 11 II 11 chirk et al receivers of the union pacific was on trial this moraine murphy and and ogdan hiles appeared for the plaintiff and P L williams tor defendants the plaintiff for tor alio deatle of her husband during a rainstorm a year ago this month a large boulder rolled down the mountain near the devils gate in weber canyon and struck the track forcing one rail off the road bed the watchmen of whom there appeared to ho a scarcity failed to pasa over the ground before the arrival of the irain on which joseph beckerton was firing will warner the engineer jumped fifteen feet among the rocks and was badly bruised joe sought to get off w hile the engine was tipping but tailed to do so and was killed the plaintiff sues for the damages alio ground being taken that the company neglected to provide the precautions which would have averted the accident the evidence wae concluded tins forenoon and mr murphy opened the argument for the plaintiff mr williams waived argument and after opening court this afternoon the court charged the jury they retired at p m to consider the case aid were out about half an hour on which they brought in a verdict of |