Show 1 1 Bl eyele and bowle tace ire to clety ol 01 abe 1 l tn the 1 e t phae of meeting last aveon ev eon i IM well patronized patronised patroni sed at 8 liebbe liep be we cleared ad aude for debate on the aum 01 toylee gaea the he su caico 11 a 1 glasmann abile col deyon tl apo P murphy cooled ater abe relative the audience was called to codr ajr E A mcdaniel Mc Diniel alio iu few bt worde detailed abe ct becie xe cie and hen called upon cudse rhodea tb judge did not unee isU iri w y lie had been leec ted to take the fid ol 01 the question aneas it aa to abe fact that be waa the bicycle rider in abe i lie u posed it WM expected that he world L aart ol 01 funny in on ea j eject but be efin that abre ia no entitled eo titled er consideration it ij oi hii sail iho voice of abe people ii ibe voice c aca jand alie ofalie ceoil i fl or ibe bicy cl the badge beut on in its atrin of the bicycle rardin remark knitli many humorous humo roua lie wa followed by col 1 ia alie negative who bad evidently beba lying anake at nichie 1 l lie irin for abw occasion he ed ite bearens that ia bi life ld l d jie appeared before a public body 0 o impie aed or iea zno he terrible weight ol 01 tbt upon hie t t lui cac ment for not only did the vv ol 01 th bicycle rest upon the outcome 02 tb delate but the to whet tir in ture bere to do coo i ing on a tandem bicycle or ii a id fashioned WAI iu he waa tiie bicycle or li a a reason that be k 1 fidfl either 1 colonel remarks elicited reque ai oc buret of lauchter nd applause john I 1 imurphy lent col leyta aid and as a to abe way for M d ine however that he in all bis ahe chaa kt I 1 ii moment lie liked old iho old ind t s the old rd 1 the of euca aa the bicycle abe aaitui 01 1 remarks can 1 ime aed when it ia understood tbt he h to f dent lover of abe bobae well in and pedigree ati Atner ican aud t one hinr abe speaker nearly forgot 1 l to u into some of these detell the effect of which caa be realized when the clarac berot bis audience is taken into cor ide ration ir glasmann Gl aamann we theo introduced k tl aho vho stated abut nt the att moment he WM tailed upon to judge webers piece who aten tooke i or the t fin native id 1 I the end atte to be present it to ewt mr glae uenna reinaria rei narka aeed no apology he rot only made bb fua kt th ot canel Cl nel and joha but introduced ari ue IB thi th i ol 01 the bicycle aid bl WM received elili thorough ats whole ahe debat lacked almat to it eater t bining bd chile att the it wai july in its c nicos atud the tion ie 11 alet dicu iona ol 01 thie charac aird luccile ia ia taft future at taft clase of th debirt Clia irian informed Int ormed the audience ence that no proY irion had beba 1 to how the quei kion wag to b settled r nd be there lore bolt I 1 open for urther die euion |