Show SEVENTY FOURTH anniversary an old pioneer surprised by seven ty four descendants yesterday wag the anniversary of the birth of bishop sanford bingham of Ri verdale his children somo ot whom are scattered over the snake river country gathered at Iti verdale to surprise their father of the twenty children now alive there were present seventeen forty nine grandchildren and eight great grandchildren just seventy four descendants one for every year of his life ceru also present tour sons in law nine daughters in law and two grand sons in law all those 1 sent were related to him by blood or by marriage except mr selby the school teacher president is related by hia eon having married the bishops eldest granddaughter she being alio mother of seven out of the eight grand cli ildren present bishop bingham is by trade not only a tinker but a tailor and shoemaker and when surprised lie was at work soldering tin pans the children presented their father with a suit of clothes the pants of which were at first too long but after dinner were found to be too a nail amid much alie children suggested that as lie was a tailor ho could use the length wherewith to increase width and then go on feasting it was a most enjoyable party alio older ones joined in social conversation the younger ones indulged in races and games of various kinds during the afternoon recitations were given and coeina read some of which had leaeu composed for the occasion by children and others by the grandchildren the whole croup were photographed by sir drewery the bishopric to bo a peculiar bishop Bingham 8 family his father was a bishop himself and two 1 I brothers are bishops and two of hie aro bishops one at trenton cache count yand ahe other at bishop bingham camo to utan in 1847 in the first company following the pioneers he and ina brother thomaa lived in Ui nthan canyon named after them in 1848 came to in 1850 and moved to ia 1802 for eighteen years lie was and collector ol 01 weber county and for iwo additional dit ional years lie wa assessor making twenty years of service ilia posterity as now alive numbers 20 children 84 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren |