Show from the london dally new boswell has told us eliat dr johnson in walking through the temple was scrupulously careful at all times to touch every third post with his hand A victim of the same kind of mania but in a much greater degree was presented at the last meeting of tho paris society of biology by a member M nan degenerate is what tho unfortunate man is called by the learned iio is the slave of the figures in order to avert some terrible misfortune conjured up by ilia brain lie feels compelled at all times to croup by series of threes all his acts and all the bilings and events which concern him if lie has a toothache he goes and has three pulled out the other day lie purloined at one of the open bbous called bazaars three corkscrews and having pocketed them he crossed streets and threw the three corkscrews into alie third sewer grating lie came across |