Show RANDOM references ducted by keva S E wishard and E presbyterian church of which the deceased was a member A large number of friends attended and assisted in the last ead rites the entertainment at the sacred heart academy last evening was well attended and was very successfully presented A full report will appear in saturdays the legislative at salt lake wednesday night was a grand affair tha entire arrangements were successfully carried out and everything tended to asiko it an elegant and thoroughly enjoyable occasion the following telegram was received at from wm glasmann manager of who is with alie ilio branae train which left salt lake wednesday night to THE ogden stuck we cant back up or go forward twelve foot snow feel like esqui maux plenty to eat we are ua brating etona birthday superintendent erin welby engines and men doing all that can be done tonight and tomorrow is free at alie thomas for ladies R P hunter ii prepared to make a few loans on choice city property a washington celebration at new west ac alemy tonight admission 10 acts 5 california boasts the largest per capita wealth of any state in the union chicago has a few cases of smallpox to interest their commissioners denver smelters have reduced their working force one halt during the past week the usual quota of traveling men are in the city all the hotels have their sample rooms occupied the schools were all closed yesterday in honor of birthday there will be some interesting exercises today algo the remains of dr G V ewing wae taken to sacramento over the southern pacific this accompanied by mr and mrs ed hoffner officer felker arrested an unknown yesterday on a charge of gambling and officer brown rounded UD a homesick by the namo of pat collins the funeral services over tha remain of alie lat catherine backman will be held today at 2 from the ditth ward meeting aliouse friends invited there was a rumor current early this mornine that there had been a wreck on the rio grando below salt lake but it was without foundation as far as learned according to the assessors new acala ecala of ogilee values alio lot on the northeast corner of avenue and thirtieth street is rated at 25 per front foot there wag no session of the fourth district cault yesterday TUB clerk was buey in his office however as was recorder oyier and assessor dir at the county court house the golden eagle clothing store lias alie best neckties in the cita they are of all sizes and colors both for men and borsand boy sand the golden aa ties make a perfect fit ty them dr F A COOK the arctic explorer making a trip to the Arctic regions this coming it would be a good ideath have him explore the region between layton and salt lake the assessor edwin dix is fast com plating scales etc tor a thorough canvass of the county and alie appraisement will bein march ast 1st assessment blanks will be distributed next week yesterday a largo number of the young folks took advantage ot the pleasant condition of the atmosphere and glided baily over the snowy streets and a joyed themselves later in the even anit the wind rose and quite a cold wave truck the city an excellent pro gramme will be rendered at tho now west academy tonight will be tableaux recitations essays declamations and drills all of a patriotic nature some of alie elections are the entertaining and liu in rating building risks in st loui alie underwriters schedule the standard building at square feet at and supposed to be four stories high and increases above the fourtly story at ac for the fifth loc for the sixth for the seventh and for ear additional etory above alie ee the funeral of dr G V ewing took place at Richey fl undertaking parlors yesterday afternoon at 3 con |