Show to the editor reciprocity of TUB DAILY Ogden Utah dear bin will you please answer through the columns of your paper whet other countries besides toe united states are affected by the reciprocity clause of the mckinley McKin lev bill and what are the most important articles of commerce which are affected by this bill trusting that this letter will not be consigned to the ever ready baete basket I 1 am youra respectfully WHO WISHES in answer to the above would aay that up to jane 1893 the countries entering into relations with the united states in accordance with the reciprocity clause of the mckinley act of 1890 are guatemala honduras nicaragua salvador british indies santo domingo cuba puerto rico brazil Britis li guiana As to alie articles affected by the reciprocity cip rocity clause that matter depends upon alie treaty stipulations eliat are supposed to be entered into between alie united states and the country reciprocating the intent of the arrangement is to have our agricultural and manufactured products admitted into foreign ports on as favorable terms as possible in return for which we agree to lemit duties in whole or in part on the products of the country entering ent erinc into these treaty relations it must be understood that all those foreign countries impose duties Bome timea very heavy ones on most if not all importations of course such duties are mainly for revenue these countries have scarcely any manufacturing industries to require protection if they had they would need no protection against pauper wages of othni countries for alie wages paid by all american countries ie of the most pitiable mediocrity if our will consent to live on mexican and brazillian wages they need not fear the effects of free trade with any country on the globe but we can not adjust ourselves to such wages without reducing our scale of living to that of mexico and brazil the principal articles imparted from the above mentioned countries are coffee hides skins sugar molasses the principal articles exported form alie united states to elioso countries under reciprocity stipulations are agricultural implement cars for mil roads manufactures of cotton rubber iron and steel leather agricultural products raw and manufactured provisions dairy products vegetables canned fruits lumber plain and manufactured household goods and bome other articles As some of alie southern countries did not enter into reciprocity arrangements with the united states the president as by the reciprocity section issued ills proclamation providing that after march 1892 certain articles imported into the united states from elioso countries wor id be subjected to certain specified duties it may be eaid of the reciprocity principle that it our country were to go upon a free trade babis it would be superfluous but if our country pursued policy of protecting its industries the reciprocity ar arrangement aran gement provides for a modified form of free trade that ia the commerce between us and the other ie free or rela ively so if there are mutual benefit to be derived the statistical records chow that our trade with southern countries was increasing rapidly under reciprocity and the commerce of european countries with them was falling off it is doubtless a wise and beneficial measure but the democrats could scarce do otherwise than repeal it for it is a modified form of protection and it would be inharmonious with their corn mercial policy |