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Show SCANDINAVIAN DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. ; Scandinavian Democratic Convention Con-vention held at Ephraim Tuaiday July 13th. At the central Hall. c. M. Neilson and F. S. Fernstrorn being the speakers. On motions of Jos. F. Doriut, and seconded by C. W. Patenen. J. P. Chrittenson wai elected Chairman J01. F. Doriut, Secretary F. S.Farnstrom wai the first ipeaker taid he wai tent out to teak the Scandinavian and let them hear on the Democratic principles. Reftrr-e Reftrr-e i to the twa parties that had : been and thought it would not be' 'long until ths Liberal party would be dead. We should stand on the platform of the present add nt go back and rake up old strife an d troubles. Spoke of thit two leaden, Jefferson aad Hamilton. Jeflerten had been the leading farmer of the .constitution and that he was elway n favor of the equal rightt to all, tpecial privilegei to none; . (At this juncture he read tome of the Principlei af Democncy) and the local telf Government wai brought into iway and finely educated Ham iltonwai of English birth and would have it that a itrong central Government Govern-ment wai to be inttituted. Which party should we join ii the quettion now. Made remarks upon tie Roman Govemmmt and com pared it to the present Republican party. Referred to the right Of a State aad of the New Orleans Italian affair, and that the Government had no right to interfere ia the rights of a State. ' We believe that the people should be free and that our Industries Indus-tries should be put to the front, in order to compete with the worU: Farmer! were put in companion v d it was plainly demonstrated that the republicans did not assist the worker work-er nor the poor man. , , C. M. Neilsen then addressed the meeting for a short time and nude a prolonged explanation of the Tariff and also the Pension Bill. The speakers were listened to with great interest by those present At the close of the meeting' Mr. Peter Greaves Sr. had a notice to the effect of tending eight delegates to the convention held at Manti the next day. On motion of C. W. Pttenen the meeting resolved themselves into a caucus and proceeded at once to nominate Delegates to attend the Democratic convention. ;ii e |