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Show as the oldtime bustle.and not much more of a nuisance to wear. Co down Fifth avenue any day and you will be surprised surpris-ed at the number of remarkably broad hipped women you will meet. Tney have grown wonderfully stout in the past month." "Why do thev do it?" . "Oh, the gieat advantage to be gained in appearance is the smaller look it gives to me waist. I don't think there is any other reason. That's quite enough for auv woman The fashion has its serious diawback, too. Sometime the pads slips around and the effect ia unpleasant Again, too, I am always in tear that a pin will puncture one of the things, and that one side of me will go off with a loud report. You can imagine how lopsided lop-sided one would look after snch an acci-nt. acci-nt. Its horrible to think oi."Ntw York Herald. News Items. RUBBER HIPS SUCCEED BUSTLES. Although the bustle has been doomed ,' And has sunk into ohscurity, yet woman kind 11 not satisfied, and a makeshitt is in sight, or rather, it U in use and not in aight. It nax takeu the form th.s time of artificially developed hips. It is the same old buslle that has reappeared, but it is , cut in two, and the two halves moved ' arouud one on eaeh side. A lady who ' . knows all about such things told me. She had one on hersell.and wtieu I comment-don comment-don her increased robustness she laugh-,, laugh-,, ed, blushed, patted her hips and said: 5 "It's uot me. il'sruhber. False hips are becoming the latest craze, and one that is becoming popular with wonderjul rapidity. rap-idity. '1 he pads ate nude of inflated rub Pgr yigsniey are tmt so inconvenient |