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Show Our Scandinavian Columns. C. C. A. CHRisrEXSEX, Translator. Translated loithc Kiuisteh- Denmark Wares to the a no int of 2 mills crowns were destroyed by fite on the whaif house grounds in Copenhagen, August 32!ld. A terrific storm passed over the coun-try coun-try around Kibe daring the night Atig.t st. Many farms were struck by lijht-iiii lijht-iiii g and most of the buildings burned to the ground. A cow with a needle and a nail in the heait. In the neighborhood of Ternd-tup, Ternd-tup, Jutland, a man had a c nv, that had been ailing for some time, and some cattle-doctor pronounced it being lung decease de-cease and incurable. The cow was in consequence killed and an investigation showed a needle and a nail deeply imbedded in tne heart. A thirteen-ye.ir old boy made an attempt at-tempt to commit suicide, from the round tower (Runde Taarn) in Copenhagen. He had been an errand-boy in a store aud made use of about 7 cents, that did belong to him, and was discharged tor this otience. Being afiaid to return hom 10 Ins mother he concluded to end Ins life 111 this way, w here sj many other unfortunates Horn time to tune had mailt the latal leap into eternity The city author. ties had provided a w ire fence inside the high mm railing, that crowns the platlonn on top ol the tower tow-er which is about no feet high but the boy being small, had been abl to get tnrough to the outer railing and had swung himself over hanging by his hand secniiiigiiiKly undecided whether to lei go Ins hold or not. In this perilous Condition Con-dition he was ha-iging lor about 10 minutes, min-utes, befoie he was rescued by s .me men that by ofteiing him nionty and ! otherwise, enticed him to ,-ssist .11 their 1 efforts to save him Irom a terrible death on the stone pavement below. His neivotis system, was however o much shaken that be was taken to the hospital instead of home. A grand military maneuver and sham-attack sham-attack on the new lot titic.it ions of Copenhagen Co-penhagen will take place this fall. The attacking patty will be distinguished distinguish-ed bv a while band Around 1h Hnn, and will land near Kj oge on Sjolland, making lor the VVesifrunt of the foiti-rication, foiti-rication, which consist of a number of forts extending around the capital, several sev-eral m lei outside the main city and its suburbs. Thus it seems, that even litll Den-ni.uk Den-ni.uk is being etlected with war fever, that no is raging in Europe and principally prin-cipally brought about bv the gieat mil-iiaiv mil-iiaiv n iwtrs of lb- old world. amon.r whom the young German emporer lig- i ures most coiispicuoiisiy. He has lately been in R issia, witnessing witness-ing the grand maneuvers ir.id.-r the Russian Rus-sian Czar. Many it is said, lost their lives in being lorced to ford swollen streams that their movements to reach certain points-all to please and amu-e the two greatest autocrats and tyrants of the present day. Tne expenses in money, the exposure to disiase from wet ground on wh ch tht men bad to sleep 111 their wet clothes after a day of the most straining excercises 111 the rain and through the mud, all this was ol course, not worth considering by them. Sweden A German paper, ''Das Vaterland," slates, that a Swede, Mauritz Hogren, fromSkara. has received the Great Gold Medal from the Academy of Art in Vienna for architectural design. The murderess, Annie Monsdatter, who had killed her daughter-in-law for the sake of living a lile of shame with her own son, was beheaded, Aug. 7th, in the prison yard. She showed no sign of regret or fear of death, but p'aced herself in position to receive the fatal, stroke from the executioners broad-ax that severed her head from the body. About 75 persons were present to witness wit-ness the terrible scene, most of them medical studeutsand reporters.of course. The young man, her son, who had participaied in the crime, will spend the remainder of his days in prison. John Erickson, the celebrated Swedish Swed-ish engineer and builder who has revcl-utiunized revcl-utiunized modern naval warfare by hnildintr his Nionitors. Rams and Iron- clads, as well as invented the screw-propeller, screw-propeller, died this summer. His gen ious was pei haps one ol the main causes that saved the American Union, as it gr.ve the Government full cower at sea. It is therefor that Ins remains are re turned to his native land with mote than royal honors, by a grateful nation, numbering more than 60 Millions. On Aug. 23rd, New York was the scene of a grand demonstration in honor hon-or of a foreign-born citizen, Capt. John Erickson, whose remains were being brought on boaid the great American Ironclad "Baltimore," that had been specially fitted up to brinz the remains to Sweden. The hearse passed between two lines of manners that lined the streets from the morgue, where they had been deposited, temporarily, and were followed by thousands of people, among them some ol the highest civil and military olficers of the nation. A gun-boat took the remains from shore 1 , in ur;ir uar-monsier. that was to Hike tliein across the ticean, and Hajs ol all nations saluted the memory ot the great man while cosions from the fleet and forts boomed forth their parting salute in behalf of the nation, whose adopted and laithful son lie had been wh le alive. As the hearse passed slowly slow-ly through, the bands would play Swed-is.li Swed-is.li hymns and other appropriate tunes aud ll-igrs on all publ ic buildings and j 011 the ships hung on half mast. |