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Show 'V' " ft" 1 '' ' : 1 !:...' tii'. ! .'. 1 . ..' - : ,1 v - .i. -1' .: ; ;:".::r , , t i .... .i ! JJs i ,.! t-. ....v !;:.:; !;,-:4 ia :ir i!i.:f-.rc:.4.tf. iiss face looks itiwe mat of ar, old man id is covered cov-ered with J-.air. The .."'.lild i healthy. heal-thy. A little Indian bny who attends school at Oldtown, Me; rkes an intelligent in-telligent interest in his lessons ami dties not simply learn'them by rote. The teaehrr hail heen fivin insltnrt- . o 1 ' i ions?n punctuation, arid closed by saying emphatically: "Now, when you come to a period you imtststop!' A little black eyed gi?l then got up to read, and went on in a reckless reck-less manner, paying no attention to the periods, .whereupon the bright little Indian boy poc ked her in the side and called out Justly: "Whoa!,, Vouth's Companion. County Loculs: , Tuckett Candy Co., Headquarters for Fireworks. Dr. Allen passed through F.ph. raim yesterday morning. The Kphraim Depqt is progressing progress-ing very nicely. ; . " Quite a number of people from L)hrim went to halt Lake City to the Musical festival. The Anefcor mining coirpny: art putting; u '.;u- ut inc liirges h:it -.'iiijf machines in the Territory. Miss Peterson of Fddiraini is in the city visiting her friend Miss t Junily Greenwood. Indefendant. A very heavy train passed through Ephraini Tuesday to Manti, we .hink the company ought to run two daily trains. Young people should take an in-Jerest in-Jerest in the Nickle Savings Stamp (System: Jos. lv Dorius, Agent Ephraira. Captain James' Kelly and some of the I). R. G. W. Boys were out ..for a time Thursday Evening they hall if too.' 1 Any one in need' of a genuine j'tibd shoe should cqtll and see the 'Stock represented by Jus. F. Dorius "" Kphrauit is the-second city iri the jdounty for mud, but we are going to liave our streets paved ere leng, .'so Cays the supervisor. " The carpenter Shop of Larsons and Go's is almost completed, it is a very fine building, but, we regret .that it is not on Main Street. j The funeral of Miss Bena Olson was well attended, the schools were closed, and' all" the Primary : children marched td t'Wd cemetery. We have just received a few Suits of Clothing somethng good and at prices ranging f " -vO. to iO. 0d. Jos F Dorius & Co. ' : We understand that our l'.nter-pruing l'.nter-pruing Druggist, IL P. Larson is going to build another house for rent, Mr. J. Rode, the barber, is the lesse. The Hotel Kuntsfotd of Salt Lake Ctiy is one of the largest, ana- most hansomely furnis'ied l.olels in the (west, it was furnished at' a cost of 190,000 Now is the time to make prepa ra tions for the Glorias 4th. of Juty let us get a move on us, and have' one of the finest celebration Eph raim has ever seen. NOTICE. The Base Ball ' Boys of Ephraim jjfiU please ccme together Sunday Afternoon at 4 P. M. Central Hall. Jos'. V. Dorius Sec. Mrs. Hanso of Chester has lo cated at Eyhraim to assist Dr. x01steu in his professional labors. She has an elegant Piano, which will be the fifth inEphraim in a radius of one block. Mr. Enoch Jorgenson has returned return-ed from Heber Wasatch Co. where tiS has been principle of the Academy. Acad-emy. Mr. Jorgenson has not been living in Ephraim for five years but thinks, he will stay now. .He has another fine Piano. Mr. Christenson and Jacobson of Park City were in attendance at the funeral of Miss Olson, they called at the "' Recistkr yesterday. Mr. Jacobson says Park Citp is quite lively, plenty of work and plenty of men to do it. t It is said that an enormous reservoir reser-voir of clear, fresh, water has been , discovered 120 feet below the sur-, sur-, lace q? the Desert of Sahara. It ias 1 ng been a dream of scientis ts an. 1 capitalists to i rigate this great waste, and possibly the water for this purpose may lie beneath its barren sands. , |