Show RANDOM references J L stephens of denver is an ogden visitor on business grand ratification at the grand opera house monday night five more cars of utah potatoes were chipped east yesterday W W calder of salt lake city was an ogden visitor yesterday yesterday mrs james hungate presented her husband with a line baby girl mrs R is spending a few daya in salt lake city visiting friends there seems to be a general call for the widening of the front door of the postoffice post office commissioner gideon is still confined to his home by an attack of fever supposed to be typhoid clarence E holt of boston well known as a theatrical manager is in the city for a day or two mrs W G hedges presented her husband with a alno boy nov C mother and child doing well A car of horse from alie winnemucca of J II 11 harvey passed th rough ogden billed to kansas city the twenty fifth street paving is ready for acceptance and wilf probably be inspected today or monday last evening a delicate silver crescent near the western lio gave promise of moonlight nights next week mr 0 D banks representing rosenheim lewis co of st louis is at home for a few days from his fall trip geo driver of ogden was in town friday on business connected with the thompson assignment kaysville Kays ville eagle yesterday four cars of alfalfa seed were shipped from ogden to chicago the seed habinc been raised in weber county yesterday a section of paving in front ot the broom hotel was torn up to be re laid it having been condemned by the committee the ute club is now composed of twenty three members and the club is comfortably located in elegant rooms on the fourth floor of the reed hotel the examination of alie alleged cattle thieves which was to have been held yesterday before commissioner perrin was postponed until november the republicans of utah will celebrate the grand republican victories throughout the territory and nation on monday night at the grand opera house the cheyenne leader in its head lines over the election returns says virginia and kentucky still with us thank god for further consolation see the lamentations of job nine tramps were up before judge cahoon yesterday on the charge of vagrancy two of them were presented with twenty days each and the balance escaped with ten days eacle A horse atta clied to a delivery wagon made a little run on twenty eighth street thursday night but luckily no dorious damage resulted beyond a baby carriage overturned and broken the ball given by the athenaeum society at the weber stake academy last evening was attended by a large crowd A most enjoyable evening was assed in terpsichorean exercises yesterday the temperature that has delighted the hearts of the people for n few weeks past took a sudden drop and the cold blasts from the snowy mountains to the caused the corner loafer to desert his accustomed sunny roost the funeral services over the remains of baby kircher wallace were conducted yesterday by rev S and were attended by a large number of friends of the family tho interment was bad in mountain view cemetery deputy sheriff lamport who has been quite ill for a few days has so far recovered as to be able to be on the streets again A farmers institute has been called to meet at aduth cottonwood on november under the auspices of the utah agricultural college the board of education hold a short session last evening but only a small amount of unimportant business was taken up the time being occupied mostly in reports from the various wards mr george foster government director of railroads for canada passed through ogden yesterday in the canadian government car ottawa mr foster proceeded immediately to salt lake city A private letter has been received by an ogden gentleman from E A mcdaniel saying that he and don maguire will arrive home from chicago the latter part of this month both mr maguiro and mr mcdaniel have done good work for ogden and utah territory and their work ought to be and ie highly appreciated work was resumed on the grading of the sanpete valley railway last monday from ephraim to manti and the roadbed is now about completed the rails are expected to arrive at this station in a few days when will be pushed immediately an additional supply of rolling stock is being negotiated for this road being a connect ni link with the union pacific will penetrate the most prosperous section f the territory and will bring a great amount of trade to this city nephi courier |