Show QUESTION 01 TARIFF REVISION I 1 I 1 I 1 4 ao effect of the elections on the bill MODERATE TARIFF MEN BOLDER I 1 I 1 am rhe the placing of wool coal et etc on the free list will be vigorously u IY opposed by protection democrats demo rats washington nov 10 it is difficult to predict what effect the recent elections will t bave ave on the tariff bill which is 13 now being formulated by the democratic 4 majority of the wave ways and means I 1 11 committee chairman wilson declares the passage of the very measure now under consideration to be the only thing needful to restore p public u alic C confidence and replace the democratic party on the pedestal of political supremacy many prominent nt men in in the party do 0 not agree with him and the these so will counsel moderation in the tariff revision moderate tariff men ill in the tile democratic party were 0 pr pretty e it y effectually silenced by the overwhelming ahel in democratic majorities ties of a year ago ago but now that maja the popular 1 ar expression 1 1 sion seems seem 8 to have ch changed si they Fres have lave taken heart and propose to be i heard in in the council J the tile proposition to put wool lumber iron ore coal and salt on the free list 4 will bo be opposed in in some quarters and by V some strong men there eema to be a A eroding growing desire on the tile part of these men for a caucus of the party to determine I 1 upon th the e best course to I 1 Z pursue I 1 arsue before the bill is 13 reported to I 1 bogress Vo I 1 congress gress een even so u eminent a leader as judge culberson Gul borson chairman of the judiciary committee has requested a caucus and even bland of missouri la is 1 I credited with a determination to fight the bill if it places la c es the articles mentioned 1 on the free iree list I 1 the commit committee tae is is making satisfactory A progress and expects to twe have the bill ready to report when congress mee a 01 I 1 |